Which Terrier Dog Is The Best For You?

Terrier dogs come in a surprising variety of looks. If you are thinking of owning a terrier, or you just love dogs, here is a little tour of these breeds.
Which terrier breed dog is the best for you?

Terrier dogs share a common origin. However, their relationship may be hard to believe, having developed such diverse physical characteristics. In general, terrier dogs are small to medium in size, and have a restless and determined character.

Origin of terrier dogs

Most terrier breeds originated in the British Isles, although terrier breed dogs can be found all over the world.

It is interesting to know that its name comes from the Latin terra , which means ‘earth’. This name is due to the fact that they were bred to hunt small animals that hide underground. Terriers are very different in their build, coat, and longevity.

Terrier as working dogs

It should be noted that terrier dogs were primarily used to hunt burrowing animals such as foxes, rabbits, rats, badgers, and marmots.

In the not too distant past terriers were included in the cruel and bloody practice of dog fighting. Based on this background, it was decided to cross different types, to get faster, more combative and intrepid dogs. The result was the ancestors of today’s pit bull breeds and types.

Today, terriers are used primarily as companion dogs, although in some places they are still used to hunt small burrowing animals.

Terriers are occasionally used as guard and defense dogs, although most breeds are not large enough to be protection dogs. An exception to this rule is the Airedale Terrier, which can be a fierce and combative protector.

General traits of terrier dogs

Once its origins have been reviewed, you should know that terriers are not for everyone. They can be stubborn and prone to barking. Also, you need constant training, mental stimulation, and regular exercise. If you are looking for a low maintenance dog, this is not a good option.

Types of terrier dogs

Depending on where you live or which kennel club you use as a reference, terrier breeds are classified in different ways. According to the World Canine Organization (FCI), terrier dogs are classified into four main types: large and medium, small, bull terrier, and companion.

Large and medium terrier

Certainly, although some breeds are classified as ‘large or medium’ terriers, they are not very large. Among the largest is the Airedale Terrier. These dogs are used to hunt small animals, but also to aid in search and rescue tasks.

Behavior of the Airedale Terrier

It should be noted some other breeds that belong to this group, such as the Bedlington Terrier, Border Terrier, Fox Terrier in its smooth and curly varieties, Irish Terrier, Brazilian Terrier or Welsh Terrier.

Small size terriers

Small terriers were originally used to hunt vermin. It is important to note that, although they are small, they are not lap dogs. The dogs that belong to this group are strong and very active animals that need a lot of exercise.

Alert Jack Russell terrier

Among the breeds that belong to this group we can count the Australian terrier, Cesky terrier, Jack Russell, Japanese terrier, Scottish terrier, West highland white terrier (Westie).

Bull terrier

The origins of this breed are associated with herding and fighting dogs. It is known worldwide for the typical oval shape of its head, its flat forehead and triangular eyes. Despite their intimidating appearance, Bull Terriers do not make good guard or defense dogs as they tend to be sociable, playful, and very affectionate.

Bull terrier con cadena
Source: Lilly M

In addition, among other breeds that are grouped in this category are the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Companion terriers

These little ones, who were initially bred to hunt rodents, today have the main function of being companions and lap dogs. They are excellent for families with older children who know how to respect animals properly. The typical example is the Yorkshire terrier.

Yorkshire terrier in the garden

Finally, it is important to note that this breed will not show the gentle temperament seen in other lap dogs, which have the courage and tenacity typical of terriers. You tend to be active and overprotective.

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