Where To Bury Your Pet?

When the terrible event of losing our faithful companion occurs, it is usual that we do not know where to bury the pet, and there are different options for which, in any case, we would have to comply with the law
Where to bury your pet?

There are things that we would never want to have to deal with, but sadly they happen and it is better to be prepared. Burying your pet is undoubtedly a painful process and, perhaps at that moment, we don’t really know what to do. In this article we will give you some tips.

Burying your pet, different options

If your dog suffers from a disease or is very old, little by little you have come to the idea that sooner or later he will leave your side. It is a painful thing, of course, but accepting it is the first step.

However, there are times when we still do not think that our pet will ‘abandon us’ (this is a way of saying, since his memory will always accompany us), as if an accident happened to us on the street. In any case, it is necessary to know what to do with the remains of the animal.

When our pet dies at the veterinary clinic perhaps it is much easier because the same professional will take care of everything, but if the dog dies at home or on the street you will have to ask for help.

Perhaps at that moment you do not have the emotional or physical capacity to take over the body of your deceased pet and you need someone to accompany you. It can be a family member, a friend, or the vet who will show you the options available.

Burying your pet: with or without insurance

In some countries, such as Spain, there is what is known as ‘pet insurance’, which provides for this situation and advises us on where to take the animal to be buried. If you don’t have such coverage, you can pay when the animal dies. Of course it is more expensive, but you will only pay it once.

Cemeteries for pets

The municipalities usually have a special service to bury pets and give them the goodbye that they so much deserve. By law, it is forbidden to make a hole anywhere to deposit the remains of the animal.

This is done to avoid burial errors that lead to public health problems as the body decomposes. Do not forget that some animals, such as scavengers, can detect remains from several kilometers away.

Another issue to take into account if your dog dies is to warn so that the identification chip is canceled. You can call the town hall directly and have them take care of everything. Basically, in Spain there are three options to bury your pet:

1. Collective incineration

The bodies of various animals – other pets – are cremated together and the owners do not receive the ashes.

2. Individual incineration

For this, around 250 euros must be paid and there are private companies that take care of this task. The cremation takes about three hours and, at the end, the owner receives an urn with the ashes.

3. Burial

Although there are not too many pet cemeteries in the country, it can be an interesting option if you have one nearby. The burial is similar to that of a person, as it includes a coffin and a tombstone. All expenses are paid by the owner.

Pet Cemeteries

Bury your pet in the garden?

This is unthinkable for those who live in the city or whose municipalities prohibit the practice. However, certain countries do not have regulations of this type or it is allowed that in rural areas pets are buried in their own land.

It is important to bear in mind that the animal should be buried as soon as possible –with a maximum of 24 hours after death– in order to avoid the proliferation of diseases.

The location of the place where it will be buried is essential: it is recommended that it be at least 30 meters from the house and at least 50 meters from water sources such as ditches, shelves or rivers, to avoid contamination.

As for the depth of the well, it will depend on the size of the animal (it is not the same to bury a Newfoundland than a pinscher), although it must be at least one meter. Place the animal first in a sturdy plastic bag and then in a wooden casket or box. Pour a good amount of dirt on top and place a large stone or weight to prevent other animals from digging it up.

After a few weeks, you can plant flowers or a tree where your dog has been buried, a beautiful way to honor him as he deserves.

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