Tips For Hiking With The Dog

Hiking with your dog offers multiple advantages on a physical and psychological level, and it is a very healthy activity
Tips for hiking with your dog

You have probably heard or read that it is good to exercise with your pet and you have looked for some options to train with your best friend. How about hiking with the dog? In this article we will give you some tips to make the activity fun and enjoyable for both of you.

Why go hiking with the dog?

If you still don’t dare to go out with your pet when you exercise – and much less when you go on vacation – here are some reasons why you should go hiking with your dog:

1. It is a healthy activity.

2. You will enjoy the landscapes.

3. You will be in contact with nature.

4. You will be accompanied by your best friend.

5. The dog will be attracted to everything it sees and smells.

6. You will release stress.

7. You will both stay in shape.

8. The destructive attitudes of the animal (for example breaking things out of boredom) will be reduced.

Hiking with pets

Tips for hiking with your dog

If we have already convinced you to go hiking with your dog, the next step is to pay attention to some recommendations. In this way, the experience will be wonderful and you can repeat it as many times as you want:

1. Plan the route well

You must know in detail the number of kilometers you will do, what kind of slopes or terrain you will find and the approximate duration of the route. If this is the first time you are hiking with your dog, we recommend that you trace a short route without too many complications.

Avoid those routes with difficult sections such as suspension bridges, climbing steps or railways, as well as those that do not have shade or are very close to the road. Pick a path that has a lake, river, or stream nearby so you can both cool off.

2. Pay attention to the dog’s condition

You may be in good physical condition, but your pet is not. Or maybe the animal is not used to exercising. You cannot expect your dog to go from leading a sedentary life to traveling several kilometers the first time.

You should also take into account the age, health and resistance of the dog, regardless of the breed it is: a Labrador, a Dalmatian or a Collie. Hiking with puppies, elderly or obese is not recommended. It could be harmful and even deadly for them.

Hiking with animals

3. Bring food and water for both of you

When you pack your backpack for the excursion, don’t forget to bring double the amount of water: for you and for your pet. Although the dog can drink from a puddle or a stream, better have fresh water and offer it every few kilometers or time. Pay attention to the signals that the animal gives, since if it is sticking its tongue out or panting, it may be very tired or thirsty.

Another important issue is food. Neither of you can gorge yourself on food because you won’t be able to walk well, but it’s not good to exercise on an empty stomach either. Try to take cookies or I think in your backpack and give your pet when he is very tired or lacks energy.

4. Safety first

In addition to carrying a first aid kit with medicines for people and for very well differentiated dogs, it is very important to ensure the safety of your pet. Even if there are no dangers, put a leash on it; It can be the longest on the market so that you are freer and can go snooping around.

Taking him loose is irresponsible, because you never know when the animal may be scared or perceive something that prompts him to run through the field. Tie the strap around your waist so that your hands are free and put a harness on it so that it does not come loose for the world.

And, of course, you cannot forget the identification tag with the contact information in case it is lost and the documentation of the animal, especially if you are hiking in a national park or protected area. You may be asked to enter.

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