Symbiosis Of The Animal Kingdom

It is a biological relationship between two specimens, by which one or both of them benefit; sometimes, one of the species can be harmed by this ‘association’
Symbiosis of the animal kingdom

‘Symbiosis’ is a term derived from Greek whose meaning is, literally, “living together.” In nature, these livelihoods allow different living things to establish interactive biological relationships. Next, we will analyze the symbiosis of the animal kingdom and its importance for the survival of numerous species.

Definition of symbiosis

We often hear that some people demonstrate such a strong and natural interaction that they maintain a symbiotic relationship. In this way, popular culture can help us understand in a simple way what the symbiosis of the animal kingdom is.

It must be remembered that, in reality, not all symbiotic relationships are positive for all types of species; In many cases, some of the species can be damaged from this relationship.

The symbiosis of the animal kingdom encompasses a set of interactive biological relationships that produce benefits for some of the species involved. These interactions must be established between similar living beings, even between living beings and plants, and persist over time to be considered as symbiosis.

Symbiosis in animals: clown fish and anemone

There are various kinds of symbiosis, in a generic way, which are divided into two large groups:

  • Endosymbioses. They occur when one of the beings that participate in this relationship lives inside the body of the other. They normally settle inside cells, in your digestive system.
  • On the other hand, we have ectosymbiotic interactions, where symbiotic beings live together, but without being within their organisms. Generally, one of the species lives on or under the body of its host.

Types of symbiosis of the animal kingdom

The degree of integration developed between symbiotic beings generates different types of symbiosis. Many animals live together to benefit from their respective presences, by establishing a simple relationship.

However, some species manage to carry out genetic transfers and generate new individuals, which takes place in an intense interaction. Below, we summarize the main characteristics of the three main types of symbiosis in the animal kingdom:

  • Mutualism

Mutualism is the most beneficial form of symbiosis in which two animals can establish in their coexistence. These interactions are inspired by the popular use of the expression ‘symbiotic relationship’, which presupposes a ‘positive-positive’ interaction.

Sea anemone and clownfish

It can be established as a direct exchange of resources or services or as an interaction between natural resource and service. But the two species always benefit equally from mutualism and improve  their biological fitness through this relationship.

  • Commensalism

In commensalism, the biological interaction generates benefit for one of the species involved. However, the other animal does not suffer any harm from the benefit it provides directly or indirectly. It would be a ‘positive-neutral’ type of relationship.

  • Parasitism

Parasitism presupposes an unequal relationship, where one of the species is harmed while another benefits. In other words, a ‘positive-negative’ interaction. Generally, parasitic symbioses pose a severe risk to the health of the animal they are hosting.

Dog scratching

Examples of symbiosis from the animal world

To improve understanding of the types of symbiosis in the animal kingdom, we see some real examples of mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism.

Symbiotic relationships of mutualism

Ruminant mammals have various microorganisms in their stomach cavities. The natural action of these microorganisms allows herbivorous animals to digest the cellulose present in plants.

At the same time that digestion occurs, the nutrition of these tiny living beings is guaranteed. Therefore, this symbiotic relationship is one of mutualism and not parasitism.

Something very similar happens in the intestinal flora of humans, which is full of beneficial bacteria. These tiny beings favor the digestion of food and protect the colon of the intestine.

On the other hand they receive a safe haven, where the molecules necessary for their good nutrition abound; as we see, it is another demonstration of endosymbiotic mutualism.

Symbiosis of the animal kingdom: parasitism relationships

A common example of this symbiotic relationship occurs when certain parasites affect domestic, wild animals in their ecosystem, and humans.

When we talk about endoparasites, such as tapeworms or worms, we have a parasitic endosymbiosis. In the case that we consider ticks or fleas, we get an example of parasitic ectosymbiosis.

Commensalism in the animal kingdom

The most classic example of commensalism occurs when vultures feed on prey killed by other predators. Since these birds cannot hunt, they must consume these remains of meat to survive. Although it benefits only one species, this commensal relationship does not harm or interfere with the welfare of other animals.

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