Seven Common Diseases In Cats

Knowing the most common pathologies of felines is positive to recognize the symptoms, and thus apply the corresponding treatment as soon as possible; the chances of saving the lives of the kittens are increased
Seven common diseases in cats

Having a healthy pet is our main obligation and we cannot take that task lightly. Therefore, it is essential to know what are the common diseases in cats, their symptoms and treatment so that they can be cured as soon as possible. In this article we will tell you about it.

What are the common diseases in cats?

If you are thinking of adopting a cat, or you already have one at home, it is good that you learn about the most common pathologies that this pet so common in homes around the world can suffer,

1. Otitis

Inflammation of the ear canal is not only common in dogs, but felines can also suffer from it, especially when they are adults. Otitis causes a lot of pain and if it is not treated in time it causes hearing loss.

It can be caused by different types of mites, fungi or bacteria and the main symptoms are yellowish or brown discharge from the ears, bad smell and ‘desperate’ scratching of the ears.

2. Feline leukemia

It is a type of cancer that affects more cats than we think and appears in young or small specimens. If left untreated, leukemia can lead to the death of the animal.

Cat at the vet.

3. Conjunctivitis

Believe it or not, one of the common diseases in cats is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, which appears for many different reasons …

You will very easily tell if your cat has conjunctivitis, since his eyes will be full of licks, he will water all the time and his cornea will be darker.

A cat can get feline uveitis: treatment

4. Feline panleukopenia

The virus that causes this disease in cats – popularly known as distemper – is similar to that caused by canine parvovirus; It is spread by being in contact with the bodily fluids of an infected specimen.

It is prevented with a vaccine and treated with antibiotics and intravenous hydration ; otherwise, not carrying out any of these practices can be fatal for the animal.

5. Rage

Another of the frequent diseases in cats that it ‘shares’ with dogs; It is transmitted through the bite or saliva of an infected animal.

Angry cat

In many cities and countries the vaccine against feline – and canine – rabies is mandatory, since it can also be spread to humans.

6. Feline immunodeficiency

It is popularly known as ‘cat AIDS’, as it has very similar characteristics to HIV. The transmission of this disease happens during the fights between several units and at least one is infected; it also occurs during mating and across the placenta in pregnant cats.

One of the best ways to avoid feline immunodeficiency is to sterilize our pets, since so far there is no vaccine to prevent it.

Common Diseases in Cats

In addition, the symptoms are almost imperceptible until the condition is very advanced, and that reduces the chances of cure or treatment.

7. Kidney problems

Cats are prone to cystitis, nephritis or any other urinary tract infection, especially when they reach a certain age. The accumulation of minerals in the urinary tract – the so-called ‘stones’ – is very painful for the animal and forces it to change its daily habits.

For example, a feline with kidney problems may not urinate for several days, it will continuously lick its genitals or its urination – anywhere in the house and outside the litter box – will be accompanied by blood.

It is essential that as soon as the signs of urinary infection appear, the animal is taken to the veterinarian to indicate the appropriate treatment. In most cases it includes changes in the diet – feed without sodium, for example – and medicines to expel accumulated minerals.

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