Pets Are The Best Cure For Depression

Pets are the best cure for depression

All of us who have pets at home know that when we feel sad, being by their side changes our mood. Hugging our dog or cat is a wonderful therapy that can ward off depression, pain and anguish. Don’t hesitate to try this treatment!

Pets and depression

person stroking cat

The love, support and loyalty that our pets offer us are enough for any gray episode in our life to transform into a multicolored rainbow. The optimism they express when they see us arrive, the enthusiasm with which they play or how they lick us in the face many times is the only thing we need to feel better.

The benefits of owning a pet are innumerable. One of them is the possibility of curing or reducing depression. The unconditional love of your dog or cat is usually more genuine than that of people. But beyond becoming hermits or antisocial, we can enjoy their company to mitigate pain.

According to studies, animals have the ability to significantly reduce all types of negative feelings. Fatigue, stress, sadness, heartbreak, loneliness, anguish and depression go away as if by magic when we are around our pets.

The two classic companies that can achieve this are the cat and the dog. It is proven that when we stare at our dog, the brain produces more of the hormone oxytocin, known as “that of happiness.” On the other hand, hearing the purr of a feline near us relieves anxiety and puts us to bed immediately.

How to choose a pet to overcome depression?

We already know that pets help those who suffer from depression (among other emotional problems). The next thing we must take into account are the characteristics that this animal must meet to become our friend, family or therapist.

First of all, the dog or cat must be calm and relaxed. This means that for example more “energetic” breeds such as Yorkshire, Poodle or Boxer would not be allowed. But be careful because it also depends on the temperament or character of the particular animal. Let’s check well how it is on a daily basis

Second, it might be a good idea to acquire a pet that has already passed its puppy stage. This happens for several reasons: because an adult animal requires less attention than a young one and because we will already know more or less what its habits or behaviors would be. In the case of elderly people with depression, a dog or cat over 5 years old would be perfect.

Third, because the dog is usually better company than the cat in these cases. Cat advocates don’t need to get defensive, but rather understand that if the owner is feeling depressed or sad, they will need a pet that “accepts” pampering at any time of the day. Cats tend to be more independent and prefer to be alone. In addition, dogs require more attention: just by taking them out for a walk, we can put sadness aside.

In addition, having a pet improves your status by …

dog and cat with elderly person

Another tip would be to adopt a stray dog. Why? Because there is no more grateful animal in the world. If any furry is loving with its owners … imagine what this soul will be like that has been rescued from all the hardships we can imagine. He won’t have enough life to return that favor. The tokens of love that you will receive daily will be your medicine against depression.

Finally, if you cannot have a pet at home due to space, time or money, we recommend that you do dog or cat therapy from time to time. How? Going to an animal shelter, visiting a family member or friend who has a pet, or simply showing affection to an abandoned dog. You will see how you feel better instantly!

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