My Pet Keeps Me Awake

My pet keeps me awake

Dogs or cats sleeping in the same bed as their owners is quite common. In fact, according to studies, 45% of dogs and 62% of domestic cats sleep in the same bed as their owner. But can this habit affect people’s sleep? 

How can a pet disturb sleep?

According to research, people who sleep with their dogs can be disturbed in their sleep due to different situations. At night, pets often whine, wander, snore, have the urge to go outside, or want to sleep under the covers.

Other studies have also shown that people who sleep with pets are often woken up by their animals at least once a night. After this interruption, the owners agree that it is quite difficult for them to fall asleep again. However, many also claim that sleeping with their pet is emotionally comforting, which is why sometimes they tend to leave the discomfort caused by interrupted sleep in the background.

Why won’t my pet let me sleep?

intentando dormir

There are many reasons why pets often disturb their owners at night. One of the most recurrent is that your pet may need to go outside to urinate. Another reason may be that perhaps the temperature has dropped and he prefers to sleep under your sheets rather than a laundry room on the ground floor.

On the other hand, there are some breeds of dogs that tend to sleep with their owners because they are happier that way. If they have a Pomeranian or Shih Tzu, you have probably already seen this type of behavior.

In other cases, however, the disturbance may present more than one mystery. A dog that wakes up frequently to urinate may have a urinary tract infection or even vaginitis. A cat that wanders aimlessly at night and screams for no apparent reason may have cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS). If medical problems have been ruled out, there is a good chance that some nocturnal behaviors of your pet may even have been caused, in part, by you.

When a new pet is added to your family, it is the best time to decide where you want your pet to sleep. If your pet, from the first day, starts sleeping in his own space, such as in a box, it is unlikely that he will try to get into your bed later. On the other hand, if you allow your dog or cat to sleep in your bed, he will quickly learn that this is his place to sleep.

If you allow your pet to share your bed or bedroom with you, it is also necessary to establish some rules of the game. If your cat wants to have a play session at 3 in the morning and you allow it, he can be expected to wake you up the next night to repeat the moment, the same happens with dogs that beg for food at midnight.

There are some proactive solutions that you can take to avoid uncomfortable situations. For example, you can extend your pets’ playtime or change your dog’s dinner schedule to occur a little later.

How do I keep my pet from sleeping?

perro y mujer

If your pet is a dog, put pillows, blankets and night toys at the foot of your bed to entertain him. Teach him to get out of bed, when you notice that he is restless and remember to reinforce good behavior, since that is the way in which dogs learn.

In case your pet is a cat, arm yourself with patience. As you know, cats have their temperament and if they perceive that your bed is their territory then it will be difficult to separate them from that idea. Therefore, it is best that both share the bed and that you teach your cat where it should be located and when is the right time for play or food. That way you prevent it from interrupting your sleep.

And remember, creativity is the key to success so share your space with your feline and do not obsess over some of their behaviors, they are cats and you must get used to their character.

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