Know The Stages Of The Bitch’s Heat

Know the stages of the bitch's heat

The heat in the bitches is as the period in which they remain in a fertile state is known. Much of the inconvenience during the estrous cycle (as heat is also known) comes from the fact that the keepers are not well informed about it and do not understand very well the differences between caring for female and male dogs. So, in this article we will expand the information on the stages of the bitch’s heat.

Habitual mistake

Before continuing to explain the stages of the bitch’s heat, we will first address one of the main errors in understanding it. There are many people who consider that the bleeding period in bitches is the same as the menstruation of women, however this is not true.

While for women this is the last phase of the ovulation period and is characterized by being an infertile moment within it when the expulsion of the ovum and the material that has accumulated in the uterine walls occurs, bleeding in bitches is only part of the estrous period, and when this occurs it means that they can become pregnant. Zeal in female dogs occurs in four stages:

The proestro

pregnancy bitches

The first stage of heat is called proestrus and constitutes a period of approximately 20 days, in which the first hormonal changes begin to appear. These changes include swelling of the vulva and perianal area of ​​the bitch. It also begins to secrete pheromones and attract the attention of males. Towards the end of this stage, vaginal bleeding appears, which indicates that you are beginning your fertile stage.


The second stage corresponds to the ovulation period, it lasts for a maximum of 20 days (although in some small breeds it may be longer). It is the moment when the bitch can get pregnant in case of a successful crossing (mating). It is the moment when the female accepts the males, mating with several, if possible. Mild bleeding may continue, but usually stops midway through.

The right-handed

In case of a successful mating, during the third stage, or right-handed, the bitches stop paying attention to the males, due to the hormonal decrease due to pregnancy, and also the males stop competing for the attention of the female. This stage lasts for 63 days of pregnancy, although in non-pregnant bitches it can last up to 100 days.

The anestrus

In the anestrus, as in the right-hander , female dogs and dogs do not show any reproductive interest.  Its duration varies depending on the breed and size of the bitch, with the smallest being the ones with the shortest time and the largest being the longest. It varies between three and nine months, characterized by a low hormonal period, which is why many veterinarians exclude it from the period of heat.

Although the average number of bitches begins their fertile life after six months, when the first heat occurs, this is not a general norm, so it can occur between four months and the first year of the animal’s life.

Keep in mind that heat, like any other biological process,  will depend on the breed and size of the animal, although the state of health will also be important factors, especially the physical condition of the bitch and environmental conditions.

There are people who argue that female dogs must have at least one pregnancy for their health, but this is absolutely false.


pregnancy bitches 2

In case you decide that your dog has one or more pregnancies, keep in mind that the ideal age for pregnancy is between 2 and 5 years. This is because during these years your body is fully developed, but it has not started the process of deterioration, so it will be able to support the pregnancy without this implying wear and tear or risk.

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