How To Tame A Guinea Pig?

These furry little creatures are undoubtedly full of personality; but they can get a little nervous around people if they are not used to being handled
How to tame a guinea pig?

When considering how to tame your guinea pig, much will depend on its individual personality. Guinea pigs are naturally nervous in strange situations because they are prey animals. Consequently, they sometimes have a very strong response when they feel threatened.

This is especially the case for guinea pigs that have not been socialized from birth. For this reason, this species purchased from a ‘home’ breeder tends to be friendlier and less anxious than those purchased from pet stores.

Some may be nervous and skittish around people, so for their happiness and yours it is important that you spend a lot of time taming your pet.

How to tame a guinea pig

Before beginning the process of taming your guinea pig, you will need to create an association between you and your pet’s favorite treats. Fresh vegetables and small pieces of fruit are an ideal temptation that your pet will find difficult to resist.

At the beginning of each dressage session, remove toys or other obstacles from the cage or enclosure so that your pet does not have a hiding place ready. You don’t want to have anything to interfere with each other. This helps focus the rabbit’s attention on you and the tasty treat you are offering.

Establish familiarity with a reward

Start by approaching your guinea pig’s cage or enclosure a few times a day. Talk quietly to your pet while you tidy up the cage or put food and water inside. At this stage, don’t try to touch or manipulate your rabbit.

Raising a guinea pig

Once your guinea pig is used to your presence next to and around the cage, speak quietly and offer a treat. If the animal takes the treat from your fingers, you can keep moving forward. If your pet is scared and won’t take the treat from you, walk away and take the treat with you.

Develop confidence

Repeat the process of offering treats several times a day, until your guinea pig comes and takes it out of your hand. This stage can last a week or more, so you must be patient. Usually, guinea pigs will quickly outgrow their reserves and come to you for food.

You can see that offering treats before putting regular food in the cage will help. Don’t leave treats in the cage so the animal can wait until you’ve moved away. Continue hand-feeding your guinea pig until it is sure to approach you. Once the rabbit forms an association between you and its favorite treat, it will come running when it sees you.


Now that your rabbit is happy to nibble on a treat while you hold it, you can start by gently stroking it. To start, use a finger to gently stroke your pet’s side. Don’t raise your hand over him, as this could scare him.

Once the animal is happy to be touched, you can pick it up and remove it from its cage. Place your pet on your lap and give him a treat. Stroke her gently and talk gently to her while she enjoys her snack.

Child with guinea pig

This experience should be pleasant for your pet. And, once again, you will associate the treatment with receiving your favorite food. Repeat this process several times a day until your pet is comfortable with handling. Limit these sessions to a maximum of 10 minutes.

Tips for handling a guinea pig

An essential aspect of taming a guinea pig is learning how to handle it properly. When handling your guinea pig, it is vital that you do it correctly so as not to alarm or hurt your pet.

To lift him, place your right hand on his shoulders. Don’t squeeze it. Put your right thumb behind your pet’s front legs. Now put one or two fingers in front of her front leg and the other two fingers behind her. Then put your left hand under the bottom of your rabbit so that it is fully supported.

Be careful

Raise your rabbit horizontally, being careful not to let its hind legs dangle. If he fidgets or struggles, keep his back legs still with the fingers of your left hand. Avoid holding your pet upright, as this could hurt his back.

Once you’ve lifted your guinea pig off the ground, snuggle it close to your chest. This will help your pet feel safe and secure and will be less likely to panic.

If your guinea pig starts having trouble after holding it for a few minutes, it may need to urinate. Always lower your rabbit if he squirms so you don’t stress him or make him feel uncomfortable. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to their owners’ moods, and if you get nervous and try to rush things, your taming sessions are unlikely to be successful.

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