How To Keep Cats Safe Outdoors

Keeping cats safe is challenging, both indoors and outdoors. But if we decide to let them go, some things cannot be left to chance, such as their vaccines.
How to keep cats safe outdoors

Felines are extremely curious … and they have no notion of danger. Therefore, as owners we have to pay close attention and protect them. In this article we will give you some tips on how to keep cats safe when they are outdoors.

Should Cats Leave the House?

This is one of the common questions among those who have just adopted a cat and live in a city. And, although it depends on each owner, the truth is that you should make a decision since the pet is small, and then keep it over time.

Those cats with access to the outdoors tend to live less because they are more prone to diseases. As a disadvantage, cats that always stay indoors tend to be more obese and sedentary, and some even lose some of their typical ‘instinct’ and curiosity.

Should Cats Leave the House?

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Unlike dogs, cats are independent beings, who need a certain freedom. And that means letting them go outside to make them happier. These ‘getaways’ – accepted or not by the owners – are the stimulus they need to feel safe.

Another advantage that our cat can go outside is that it will probably relieve itself on the lawn or on the terrace. In this way, you will avoid using the litter box or changing stones every day.

Being outdoors will not only allow you to climb trees or rooftops, but it will also be the right environment for you to mark your territory. And, in this way, he will not be cruel to your furniture or urinate all over the place at home.

Of course, not everything is perfect if you let your cat out, since being outdoors makes it more prone to contagious diseases, such as feline immunodeficiency virus or rabies. In addition, we cannot ignore that you may have more fleas and ticks than if you only stay indoors.

Pros and cons of cats dating

Safe cats outdoors: is it possible?

If you have made the decision to let your pet have contact with the outside, then you must take into account certain precautions, in order to take care of any danger:

1. Put on a necklace with an identification tag or badge

Some cats do not ‘accept’ the collar, so you will need to put a harness on it. Try not to make noise with the badge because that attracts the attention of the dogs!

2. Put a microchip in it

In some countries or cities it is mandatory to identify pets with these devices, since they cannot be easily removed like badges or collars.

3. Shell it

Whether female or male, it is essential that the cat is neutered. In this way, you will prevent her from coming back pregnant or injured from fighting with other peers. In addition, sterilized animals tend to live longer and be calmer.

4. Comply with all vaccines

Safe cats are not those that do not leave the house, but those that are protected from any disease. Therefore, we recommend that you comply with the vaccination schedule and also apply the pipette or the treatment against fleas and ticks that you think is appropriate.

5. Let it come out little by little

It is not a question of leaving the door open for him to leave and come back whenever he wants. A good technique is to use a strap so that little by little it has contact with the outside. And in the first moments you should monitor him so that he does not stray too far.

You should not worry if your cat leaves the house, as their senses are well developed to return safely. Likewise, take measures so that your cats are safe and thus minimize the possible complications of their forays into the open air.

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