How Moving Affects Dogs

How Moving Affects Dogs

Dogs are very adaptable, but like us, changes affect them a lot. It does not matter if it is small, like changing the bed or something bigger, like moving. Dogs notice it and in one way or another, it affects them.

Above all, please, we know that you love your pet and that the idea of ​​abandoning it does not cross your mind if you are going to move. By getting a suitable place for both of you, you can resume living together without major adaptation problems.

Why can moves affect my dog?


Dogs, in addition to being animals of habit, are also territorial, so a change of house does nothing more than remove it from its territory and put it in a new one without knowing if there is already an owner in it.

You know not, you know what you are up against and you know that the only owner of the territory of your heart and your home is your pet. But that she does not understand so easily.

Therefore, do not worry, the fear of the unknown is logical that it causes nervousness or stress in your pet. When he is in the new house, the smells and spaces will all be new to him and he will feel completely lost.

You may also feel nervous when you see other dogs in the neighborhood, because you do not know what place they occupy in that territory and to what extent he will be able to enjoy a part. However, do not worry, that your dog adapts to his new home is not that complicated. Follow these simple tips that we give you below.

Moving, help your dog adapt

There are several steps to follow before, during and after the move, so that your pet’s adaptation to his new home is less traumatic.

Before moving in

  • Identification plate. It is possible that in your neighborhood they know you and your pet, but not in the new neighborhood and the journey to it. Therefore, first of all, put the new address on your pet’s plate in case due to his nervousness he runs away. It will be easier to get it back.
  • Before the move, if it is not too far, walk your pet around the new area, so that when it arrives everything will be more familiar and the shock is less.
  • Don’t wash his bed, you’ll have time for that later. His personal belongings are of great importance to him, because through his nose he fills his mind with memories. Having something old, like the one in your bed, for example, will make you feel more secure the first few days.
  • Keep their schedules. It is normal that with the move your schedules change, but try not to change your pet’s too much.

During the moves


  • Leave the dog out. Do not take it on every trip you take carrying things. If a relative or friend who you already know can have it in the meantime, all the better.
  • Leave hidden treats and other sweets around the new house, so you will enjoy searching for lost treasures in your new home.
  • Do not leave him alone when he arrives, he will get nervous.

After move-in

  • Let it all smell.
  • It assigns from the first moment the places where it can and cannot be.
  • Let them choose the place for their bed, they know how to do it.
  • During walks, be patient. Everything is new and you need to sniff everything to get hold of the new world around you.
  • Let him socialize with his new canine neighbors.
  • Take him to meet his vet, even if nothing happens. This way you will feel more comfortable when you have to visit.

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