George Clooney Donates $10,000 To Save Dogs

George Clooney donates $10,000 to save dogs

The important thing is not about how much you have, but why you do with what you have. And that speaks a lot about you. And if part of your capital, which should not always be measured in money, you use to help save dogs, welcome. That’s what George Clooney and his wife, attorney Amal Alamuddin, did. The couple donated $10,000 to help recover nine Cockers that had been rescued from an unscrupulous breeder.

Famous and anonymous, united to save dogs

The dogs were in a house in California, in the Mojave Desert. Members of Camp Cocker Rescue arrived there and discovered a bleak picture, which required urgent veterinary attention.

As the organization is supported mainly by donations, it requested immediate help to be able to meet the expenses that would imply curing the animals freed from their ordeal.

From his page he asks for collaborations from 5 dollars. So huge was their surprise when they discovered that they had 10,000 at one time. And they were more astonished when they saw that it was famous donors.

For this reason, they asked the couple if they could make their contribution public, in order to encourage other people to collaborate with the non-profit center.

If you want to see images of the rescue, we leave you this video.

Clooney, engaged in life and cinema

To tell the truth, it is not news that Clooney, beyond the nickname of “most coveted bachelor” that he had earned until he fell asleep in front of Alamuddin, was always a person to put his body -or whatever it takes- to defend his convictions.

Even from the artistic point of view, when he decided to also be behind the cameras, he created works that, in addition to high artistic quality, clearly demonstrated his political commitment.

For her part, his wife has not lagged behind in her involvement with causes related to human rights. She is remembered by the media, for example, for being one of Julian Assange’s lawyers in the WikiLeaks case.

So it is not surprising that the sensitivity of this couple also leads them to defend animals and encourage the adoption of abandoned dogs.

The Cockers are getting the veterinary care they needed

But going back to the nine Cockers , we celebrate that they have been able to access the possibility of having a better life.

And it is that until the moment that their rescuers arrived, they had only been treated as merchandise.

Apparently the puppies had never received any kind of veterinary care and had had little contact with humans. And many lived out in the open.

Among the most serious health problems they presented, the following stand out:

  • Breast tumors
  • Dental disease
  • Ruptured eardrums
  • Calcified ears
  • Skin infections
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Cherry eye

The sum of good wills usually leads to a successful conclusion

While all the dogs needed veterinary attention, the most urgent case they encountered was Abigail’s. The dog had huge mammary tumors on both sides of her body.

Furthermore, while some animals were very thin, denoting a lack of sufficient and adequate food, others were overweight.

The good thing is that the furry ones are already safe and will be able to recover thanks to the action of so many good wills that contribute their own each in their own way.

It is always good news that, even though there are so many animal abusers out there, there are also good people willing to save dogs. And the name is the least of it. What counts is action. Your name is George Clooney or you are an anonymous volunteer.

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