Everything You Need To Know About Dog Parks

Everything you need to know about dog parks

A fashion that has been imposed in every city worth its salt is that of dog parks. But while these spaces may seem like the perfect solution for your dog to run and play freely, there are certain issues that you should take into account so that what seems ideal does not turn into an odyssey.

Details to consider before taking your pet to a dog park


The first thing to keep in mind is that dogs are pack animals and therefore function within a hierarchical structure.

Remember this question every time you go with your pet to these parks populated with dogs that, when they get together, will seek to establish, in one way or another, these hierarchies.

Therefore, the park is a place for you to be very attentive to the behavior of your dog and that of those around him, not a place to relax.

Also, not all dogs are suitable to take to these places. For instance:

  • Puppies less than 3 months old, as they could be infected with numerous diseases when they are in their vaccination period.
  • Adult specimens that do not have their vaccination schedule up to date, since they could also get sick.
  • The dogs that are not wormed to prevent parasites transmitted to other visitors.
  • Animals that show symptoms of not being well. In this case, the visit that is required is to the vet. There will be time for parks.
  • Dogs that failed to socialize and those that are aggressive. They can spoil the fun by biting one of their peers.
  • The dogs that are in their mating season. You can get to put up a big fight of males and, above all, the female, in addition to having a bad time, may be pregnant.

Keep in mind that these parks are not conducive to children. Many adults seem to want to kill two birds with one stone and take their children to play in the dog park as well, without taking into account that the hygienic-sanitary conditions of these places make the creatures candidates to be infected with a parasite.

But not only that. Everyone knows how their dog usually behaves, but has no control over the reactions that other dogs may have.

And we already know that children can sometimes play rough with animals. Rather than having to regret bites, it is better to keep the young away from these places.

Tips to keep in mind when visiting dog parks

toy dogs

We tell you some details to consider so that the visit to the dog park is a good experience for both you and your pet.

  • Before going to the park, exercise or walk your dog for about 15 minutes. If the animal arrives very anxious or with too much energy, fights with its peers can break out.
  • Don’t take their toys. Dogs tend to be very possessive of their things and may not take all that well that other dogs also want to play with one of their favorite objects.
  • Never carry food. Neither for you nor for your pet. It can make a huge mess around you. If you want to reward your dog for any reason, better use praise and petting.
  • Collect the stools that your dog makes during his stay in the park. It is essential that the place is kept clean and sources of infection are avoided.
  • Always have the strap at hand and, in any conflict situation, intervene. If the problem is not solved quickly, take your dog out of the park. Better to come back another day, when things have calmed down, or find another park.
  • Give up confronting other pet owners. Coexistence must always prevail.

In short, if your dog was socialized correctly, responds well to contact with other animals of its species and, moreover, responds adequately to basic obedience commands, it should have no problems in parks.

But remember that just because your pet is an example of good behavior, it does not mean that other dogs are. So never lose sight of him while he is playing and having fun.

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