Countries Where You Can See Whales

The largest animals in the world, that is, the giant cetaceans, are beautiful marine creatures that, in addition to being peaceful, are spectacular during their migrations; some make jumps worth seeing
Countries where you can see whales

They are the largest animals in the world and also one of the protagonists of the most extensive migrations; Observing them at certain stages of their life is a wonderful and unforgettable spectacle. In this article we will tell you about the countries or regions where you can see whales.

Where can you watch whales

The season to spot these marine giants runs from May to June and there are options in different regions of the planet. These are some of the places where you can see whales:

1. Alaska

In the glacial bay of Alaska is a natural reserve of more than 100 kilometers of extension bathed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean and where it is possible to spot gray whales.

These cetaceans begin their migration in spring and can also be found during the summer: the season runs from June to September. The show – which also includes humpback whales and orcas – is unique in the world.

2. Argentina

The new gulf, between the towns of Puerto Madryn and Puerto PirĂ¡mides, is one of the recommended sites where you can see whales of the southern right species.

The province of Chubut, in Argentine Patagonia, receives these beautiful mammals between June and October –  winter and spring in the southern hemisphere – where you can see calves that are only a few months old.

In order to be much closer to the whales there are various boat excursions, whose impact on the cetaceans is minimal. The guides explain very well about the life of these animals, their habits, their feeding and their reproduction and if we are lucky we will see their spectacular jumps or tails coming out of the water.

3. South Africa

The town of Hermanus – an hour and a half from Cape Town – is considered one of the best places to watch whales in the world. It is not necessary to get on a boat since the specimens of the frank species swim very close to the shore of the bay, where they mate between July and November.

4. Canada

Between the cities of Tadoussac and Baie-Sainte-Catherine, within the Saguenay Fjord, we find the epicenter of whaling activity for all of British Columbia. The fauna here is very diverse: dolphins, belugas and other cetaceans can be spotted as they feed in the cold waters.

As for the whales, the humpbacks, the black ones, the blue ones (the largest mammal in the world), the sperm whales, the killer whales and the fin whales reach Canada. How to feel like an ant amid so much majesty!

5. Azores Islands

They are considered ‘whale sanctuaries’ because no less than 24 species of cetaceans arrive to this Portuguese territory located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, some residents and others migratory.

Where can you see whales

From the watchtowers along the coasts or aboard certain boats you can observe dozens of marine mammals between May and October. Also, baleen whales and fin whales live in the area all summer.

6. Costa Rica

To the south of this Central American country, more specifically between the island of Cano and the Osa peninsula, specimens arrive all year round and that is why it is a spectacular place where you can see humpback whales.

These cetaceans choose the place because its waters are calm and food is abundant. Some come from the Antarctic shores and others come from the Gulf of California to give birth to their young.

7. Australia

In Hervey Bay, off the Queensland coast, this natural spectacle can be experienced between the months of July and October. Whale jumps weighing up to 50 tons can be seen up close in small boats.

8. Mexico and the United States

Specifically in the Gulf of California, gray whales arrive in groups during the boreal winter – from December to April – and then continue their migration journey to Alaska where they feed and begin a new reproduction cycle.

Where to watch whales

Whale watching undoubtedly became a symbol of this region; and one of the reasons why there are more and more tourists is because this species is very ‘friendly’ and comes close to boats.

9. Brazil

On the pink beach, in the south of the largest country in South America, southern right whales swim among the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in a wonderful spectacle that takes place between June and November. The jumping of these heavy cetaceans is impressive, as they can bring up to 75% of their body to the surface.

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