Canine Coronavirus Vs. Wuhan Coronavirus

The coronavirus has turned the whole world ‘upside down’. Therefore, below we are going to clear up doubts and explain the differences between the canine coronavirus and the coronavirus disease, which has become a pandemic.
Canine coronavirus vs.  wuhan coronavirus

today more than ever it is essential to consult reliable sources of information

many dogs are being the scapegoats for this crisis.

Where does the confusion come from?

the domestic cat and the bengal tiger are from the same family.

Perhaps the existence of a vaccine for the canine coronavirus had something to do with these misunderstandings.

What is the coronavirus?

Coronavirus in 3D

They are viruses belonging to the Coronaviridae family

In the case of canine coronavirus, at least 7 different strains have been isolated

How do these viruses develop?

In canine coronavirus, the route of transmission is fecal-oral.

In the case of the canine coronavirus, we are talking about 24-96 hours.

The coronavirus disease follows a respiratory transmission route.

Viruses can remain in the environment for several hours maintaining infectious capacity

The incubation period for this virus is suspected to be between 5 and 20 days.

The worst enemy of the Wuhan coronavirus is soap.

And what symptoms do they produce?

In canine coronavirus, diarrhea is the most characteristic due to the destruction of the microvilli. These favor the absorption of nutrients, but as they are not functional, diarrhea occurs with consequent malnutrition and dehydration.

It is usual that some blood stains may appear in the stool and they are very smelly. Another common symptom is vomiting, which occurs due to inflammation of the digestive system. Also, more nonspecifically, there may be intermittent fever and abdominal pain.

In the case of coronavirus disease, the symptoms are related to the affected system, the respiratory

Can people get canine coronavirus? Can SARS-Cov-2 infect dogs?

The canine coronavirus is different from the Wuhan coronavirus.

canine coronavirus exclusively affects dogs.

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