Can I Play With My Dog ​​in The Park During The Coronavirus Quarantine?

There are many questions we ask ourselves about the coronavirus pandemic. One of them is whether we can play with the dog in the park. Here we tell you a little more about it.

Many people wonder if they can play with their dog in the park during the coronavirus quarantine. In this regard there are different opinions, and it is that not everyone knows for sure what the limitations are when taking pets for a walk in the current delicate situation. In this space we try to respond to this debate.

In addition to the recommendations of governments and the World Health Organization in this regard, it is very important that each of the citizens become aware and responsible.

Despite the de-escalation plan recently devised by the government, the parks remain closed for now, which tells us in a way that a reduction in restrictions does not imply total freedom.

Taking the dog out of the park during quarantine: is it allowed?

Taking the dog out of the park during quarantine is still allowed very punctually, that is, only for a few minutes and so that the animal can relieve itself.

With the maintenance of the sanitary emergency and a gradual de-escalation plan, the security protocols have become much stricter. In a normal situation, going out to a park to be distracted and taking the dog did not represent a major problem, today it is a much more restricted activity.

You can really continue walking the dogs and let them relieve themselves; However, what is recommended by the authorities and health workers is that this activity be carried out in the vicinity of the house and in a short period of time.

According to these types of rules, it is not contemplated to play for hours in a park with our pet. Among other things, because they increase the chances of contagion when exposing themselves to crossing with other people.

Obviously the real problem is not the pets ; So far it has not been possible to demonstrate that they can be infected and transmit the coronavirus.

It is the fact of going out to the street that is problematic, since it involves  exposing oneself to contagion, either by meeting other people at the time or by touching surfaces that may be infected. Hence the importance of complying with all security measures.

Security measures to go for a walk with the quarantined dog

It is important that each person who has a pet, specifically a dog, complies with the safety protocols established by the authorities.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and thus, little by little, to be able to return to normality. In this sense, one of the most important aspects of taking the dog for a walk is doing it individually. That is, several people cannot go.

As we can see, the reason for taking the dog out should not be to play in a park, but to do it so that the animal can relieve itself. Therefore, these walks should not last very long.

The key is hygiene

It is also essential to continue to adopt strict sanitation measures. We have seen that the quarantine imposed has worked, as cases and deaths progressively decrease every day. Still, this does not mean that we should relax.

It is advisable to leave the house with a mask, use disposable gloves and when you arrive home, wash your hands very well and put the street clothes to wash. It is advisable to wash the legs of the animal when you get home to eliminate the risk of contagion of the virus.

Along with these measures, which constitute the recommendations and demands of the authorities, is citizen responsibility. On many occasions, it is observed with concern how some people use their pets to violate the mandatory quarantine. There have even been some cases of people who have adopted street dogs for this purpose.

A social and individual responsibility

The responsibility of each person is key to be able to overcome more quickly a virus that has managed to paralyze the world. It is important not to use pets as an excuse to break the quarantine and simply follow the recommendations of the authorities.

As we can see, taking the dog out in permitted areas during quarantine is an option, as long as said space is close to the house. The activity must be carried out responsibly, for a short time and taking all the security measures.

These kinds of precautions are the key to avoiding getting sick or making others sick in the community. In the hardest moments, solidarity and the commitment to be better citizens are transcendental aspects to overcome crises.

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