Animals And Water: Fun Facts

Animals and water: fun facts

Water is an essential substance for the development of life. Both humans, plants and animals need water to live, and the absence of it for a long period of time causes death. The planet earth is the only one in the solar system that has water in all three strata, and therefore it is the only planet that has life. Here we tell you some curious details about animals and water.

  • 1.- The earth contains about 525 million cubic kilometers of water. This amount has neither increased nor decreased in the last two billion years.
  • 2.- 90% of the fresh water resources available on the planet are in Antarctica.
  • 3.- Fresh water is only 0.01% of the total water on the planet.
  • 4.- Elephants are excellent swimmers and can run at 40km / h. However, they are the only animals in the world that cannot jump.
  • 5.- The Australian koala never drinks water, it gets what it needs from the eucalyptus leaves it eats, which are very wet.
  • 6.- The female hippocampus (seahorse) lays her eggs inside the male, which is the one that becomes pregnant. After six weeks of gestation, delivery takes place, which can last up to two days.
  • 7.- Sheep never drink water in motion.
  • 8.- Camels can last up to 10 days without drinking water, but when they get it, they are capable of drinking more than 106 liters in one sitting.
  • 7.- Sailfish are the fastest fish, being able to reach 110km / h in short distances.
  • 8.- Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
  • 9.- The tongue of a blue whale weighs the same as an adult elephant.
  • 10.- Marine fish can be thirsty.
  • 11.- Whales sleep while swimming slowly.
  • 12.- There are fish in the abysmal depths that generate their own light (as can be seen in Finding Nemo). These fish use their light to attract their prey.
  • 13.- The most poisonous animal in the world is a type of jellyfish called “sea wasp”. Its venom can kill a human in 45 seconds.
  • 14.- Whales sing, and their song can last for months. This song consists of a continuous and monotonous sound very characteristic of these animals.
  • 15.- The dwarf shark does not exceed 25 cm.
  • 16.- The blue whale is the largest animal that has ever existed on earth. It can measure 30 m in length and weigh 180 tons.
  • 17.- The whale shark is the largest fish that exists. It can measure 12 meters in length and weigh 12 tons. (The whale is not a fish).
  • 18.- Freshwater animals are becoming extinct 5 times faster than terrestrial ones.
  • 19.- 450 liters of water are needed to produce a single chicken egg.
  • 20.- Water is the main regulator of terrestrial temperature.
  • 21.- Fish are the largest group of animals among vertebrates. There are more than 24,000 known species. 40% of fish species are freshwater.
  • 22.- The scientific name of the sunfish is mola mola . This fish can weigh 2 tons and measure 3 meters in length, but when it is born it is 60 million times smaller than its parents.
  • 23.- Most fish have a swim bladder that allows them to control how deep they want to be. To sink, the bladder contracts and decreases in volume, making the fish weigh more than the water. To float, the bladder is inflated with a gas-producing mechanism, so the fish weighs less than water.
  • 24.- The electric eel can emit a discharge of 600 volts in milliseconds.
  • 25.- One of the most peculiar forms of hunting in nature is that of the archer fish. This type of fish spits a jet of water at insects installed on leaves near the water. When the insect falls, the fish devours it. His shot is quite accurate and can reach 90cm, although young people are much more clumsy at shooting.

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