An Organic Dairy Brand Launches A Dog Adoption Campaign

An organic dairy brand launches a dog adoption campaign

This is news with very good milk. A brand of organic dairy products and an animal shelter teamed up to carry out a dog adoption campaign. Thus, instead of the usual cows in the yogurt containers of the company in question, they appear furry looking for a home. And some have already found it.

A campaign to adopt dogs in yogurt packaging

campaña de adopcion
Source Facebook of Casa Grande de Xanceda

With the aim of “putting a face to the invisible ones”, the dairy company and the Friends of Canceira de Ordes Association -both located in the Autonomous Community of Galicia- devised an adoption campaign with the image of 8 beautiful dogs, but with the intention to raise awareness so that many more abandoned animals get a new family.

For this reason, from the same page of the company, people are encouraged to adopt abandoned animals throughout Spain and contacts are provided with different protectors.

It is worth remembering that, according to a report by the Affinity Foundation, although there is a downward trend in the number of abandoned animals, during 2015 104,501 dogs and 33,330 cats were collected by protectors and shelters.

Meet the furry guys who star in the adoption campaign

So if you are going to buy yogurt, you may find a photo of one of these furry ones :

  • P ipa : that was already adopted by a Dutch family (social networks know no borders).
  • Bruno : a very sociable two year old male.
  • Morpheus : found in a foster home.
  • Jimmy : a young male, crossed with Beagle , very calm.
  • Lissy : a 4 year old female, playful, sweet and sociable.
  • Orion : a two year old male, neutered and very friendly with other dogs and with children.
  • Truffle : a calm and affectionate little female who also found a new home.
  • Sil : who was found lying in a gutter and little by little he was regaining confidence in human beings.

How this original adoption campaign came about

The idea of ​​incorporating the images of the dogs in the yogurt containers came from Jessica Rey, who in addition to working in the dairy company is a partner of the Galician protector.

Inspired by the US campaigns to search for missing persons using the tetrabrik, she began to investigate the subject.

He discovered that a brand of soda s Los Angeles found home for more than 100 dogs put photos of furry on their bottles, and got down to work to make a reality the adoption campaign.

An initiative to raise awareness in children

But the joint work of the dairy company and the protector is not extinguished in this interesting campaign for the adoption of homeless dogs.

They also work in primary schools, with a program to teach children to be responsible and supportive of animals.

The initiative is called “A dog, a friend” and, during 2016, it already reached seven educational centers and more than 800 students in the municipality of Ordes.

Perhaps if humans begin to understand from a young age that animals have rights to be treated well, the next generations will be better than the current ones.

If you want a pet, adopt it

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Source Facebook of Casa Grande de Xanceda

Hopefully the adoption campaign for organic yogurt packaging and the educational program will be joined by other new and good initiatives that encourage people to incorporate abandoned pets into their family.

So if your plans include having a pet, seriously consider adoption. And remember that a pet implies a series of responsibilities that you cannot ignore. Between them:

  • Food according to the characteristics of the furry.
  • Regular health checks.
  • Vaccines.
  • Walks.
  • Games.
  • Hygiene (bathing, brushing, etc.)

There are many little animals who wait for a second chance and who are eager to give all their love and become a great company. Don’t let them down.

Image source: Casa Grande de Xanceda Facebook

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