A Uruguayan Pilot Flew Through The Air To Save The Life Of A Dog

A Uruguayan pilot flew through the air to save a dog's life

Through the networks, the news of a Uruguayan pilot, in the second stage of the international championship, has transpired. CODASUR, which is run in Bolivia. The Uruguayan pilot Fernando Zuasnabar has become famous for the maneuver he did to save the life of a dog. This was crossed on the road in the middle of a rally.

In one of the jumps, the pilot met a puppy in the middle of the road. Luck, chance, or the skill of the driver wanted the car to take height thousandths of a second before colliding with the animal.

Moments later, members of the organization and police were in charge of removing the animal from the route.

The assumptions of being run over in the life of a dog

If on any occasion we find our pet limping, or dragging any of its limbs, or has them paralyzed, even with areas of skin peeled off, with hair pulled out due to being dragged along the pavement, dirty with grease or oil wounds or on the skin, it is most likely that he has suffered an accident and we must save his life.

The correct way to proceed is to keep the animal in a rescue position. This is laid on his right side, in addition to keeping him warm with a blanket. Adding heat is very important. In addition, we must act quickly, but calmly.

Once we have covered and conditioned it, it is necessary to take it quickly to the nearest veterinarian. A radiological examination is essential to know for sure which areas have been affected.

First aid to save a dog’s life

If we want to do something to help the animal run over, we can try to stop the bleeding by pressing the area with a clean cloth, gauze or cotton, applying them one on top of the other, without removing the previous one.

Tourniquets on the limbs can only be done as a last measure and applied for a few minutes (never more than 15), using strips of cloth and avoiding rubber bands or ropes. To do this, a stick or pencil can be inserted into the knot and twisted several times to narrow the fabric of the bandage until the bleeding stops and thus save your life.

In the event that there is a broken bone, we will immobilize it with the help of a splint.

When the bleeding is light, a clean gauze or cloth should be applied to the wound. Then you have to press hard to make the blood clot. This is essential to save a dog’s life.

If the wound that has been produced is significant and the blood is light red in color at the level of the legs, the brachial artery must be compressed in the anterior legs and the femoral artery in the posterior ones.

It may be the case that a vein is affected. The blood will be dark red in color. If this happens, a tourniquet should be placed 5 centimeters from the wound towards the extremity of the limb at the same time that a knot must be tied through which a pen or stick can pass to tighten it until the blood stops flowing.

The walk with the dog

We never know what can happen during the walk or while exercising with our dog, injuries or injuries can arise at any time. Therefore, it would be beneficial for all owners to have some basic knowledge of first aid.

If in the course of the ride, our pet has an accident, is wounded and bleeding profusely d ue to a cut or bite another dog, it is important to put a muzzle proceed.

An injured animal, even if we have a lot of confidence with it, can become violent and have a tendency to bite, even its owner.

Dangers on public roads

dog on the street

A dog has a tendency to run by nature whether it be to play, to chase a car, a cat, etc. We must be aware of how dangerous a dog is running through the streets where vehicles are moving at full speed.

It is important, from the first moment, to train our pet to be by our side on his walks. In this way, we will avoid a possible accident and, in the worst of circumstances, that the animal loses its life.

Statistics say that around ten million dogs are run over in traffic accidents in Spain. It has also been proven that, with a correct education for your dog, 70% of these problems would not exist.

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