How To Prevent The Dog From Biting

How to prevent the dog from biting

Our four-legged friends not only stand out for their loyalty to man or for their barking, sometimes excessive. Unfortunately, they sometimes make the news because they bit a person, causing serious injuries and even death. But can you prevent the dog from biting?

For what reasons do dogs bite?

Let’s agree that if a dog bites, or tries to do it, it is because it is scared and it is the way it finds to defend itself, regardless of its size or breed. Although it is clear that the more powerful the hairy jaw, the more damage it can cause us.

And although sometimes data is disseminated that animals classified as “potentially dangerous” have a greater predisposition to attack, the truth is that here the fault is not usually the furry but the owner, who “educates” him to have this type of behaviors.

It is that the area in which it grows, the treatment it receives and the way in which a dog is socialized and trained, greatly influences its behavior and the possibility that the animal has a tendency to bite.

Facts about hairy and bite

Dog bites are not a minor issue. That is why it is important to avoid them with a correct education, both canine and human.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • Mortality rates from this cause are higher in low- and middle-income countries. The reason is inadequate or directly non-existent medical attention.
  • Children are the main victims and are at serious risk – for reasons of height – of suffering head or neck injuries.
  • 50% of the injuries caused by animals to travelers are caused by dogs that bite them

How you can prevent the dog from biting

And what can we do to prevent the dog from biting? Well many things. For example, if it is a puppy, you should teach him not to bite when he is playing.

It is normal for young dogs to use their mouths to explore their surroundings and nibble on everything in their path.

But you have to make the little ones understand that this action can cause harm. How to do it? Observe what another puppy, a playmate, does when bitten: he complains about the pain he feels.

So when your fuzzy is nibbling you gently and suddenly gets excited and bites you hard, let him know that it hurts. Scream Ayyy !!! and quit the game. It is the best way for the animals to understand that with this attitude they hurt us and begin to have control over their bite.

An adequate education and socialization, keys so that the furry ones are not aggressive

But the fundamental issues to prevent the dog from biting or having other aggressive behaviors are proper socialization and good treatment.

A dog that grows up in a “friendly” environment and in contact with other animals and people will surely be a fearless adult with a balanced character. In these conditions, it is difficult for him to react by trying to bite.

On the contrary, the greatest possibilities of aggressiveness occur in animals that:

  • They receive physical punishment
  • They remain tied up, isolated or are all the time outside the home
  • They are humanized to the extreme

What you need to know to prevent a dog from biting you

Although in addition to educating and socializing dogs, we humans must also learn the correct way to deal with them. In this sense, it is essential:

  • Know the body language of the furry, to identify the signs that may indicate a possible attack.
  • Know how to handle unfamiliar animals that are likely to be aggressive.
  • Explain to the children how they should treat their four-legged friends. Keep in mind that you should not leave them alone with them, especially if they are very young.

In this way, trying to understand our furry ones, we will surely avoid many unpleasant situations that can end in a bite.

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