Why Is It Important To Train A Dog?

Why is it important to train a dog?

When listening to training, you may think that it will be a practice that can break the bond that binds you to your pet or that it will distance you from him or change his personality. Nothing is further from reality. Sometimes the ignorance of what benefits training a canine has makes many do not see the importance of it.

In this article we are going to go by parts. Let’s see what training is, how it benefits your dog and what is the best way to train it.

What is dog training?

collected cats and dogs

There are several ideas on this topic. Some think that it is about making your dog like a robot without feelings, some believe that training is limited to sporting dogs or with special disciplines and that it is not necessary for pets.

How could we define dog training then? It is a process by which the animal, in this case a dog, has a skill and maintains it.

Of course, if you decide to train your pet, you have to be aware that it is a continuous process, something for life. You cannot try to train your dog and believe that he is trained and not practice more.

In the same way that any other type of discipline, music, drawing, sculpture, you need to practice and practice so that you do not forget what you have learned.

What is the benefit of training my dog?

Although discipline is required for training, it never refers to abuse. Only firmly so that the animal understands that it is not him who is in charge and that there are certain orders that he must obey.

A trained dog will be an educated dog that will know how to be in every situation and will not need your scolding over and over again. This in turn:

  • It will make you happier.
  • It will decrease your stress.
  • He will notice your love much more.
  • It will be social with other dogs and people.
  • Their bond with you will grow.

There are many beliefs about the best way to educate or train a dog, such as the newspaper and other options that are not very pleasant for your pet. Forget all that. That is not training, it is martyrdom.

How do I train my dog?

Given the above, what is the best way to train my dog? I always tell you this same phrase: love, perseverance and affection, and, in this case, a lot of patience.

Making your dog obey commands, even if they are simple, or may seem like it, such as sit, come or drop something is not an easy task.

Before you start training him, if you are going to do it yourself, you should think about whether you are emotionally prepared to endure his “disobediences” (which are normal) in the first training sessions. If you are, go ahead, if not, you can always hire a professional.

Several factors must be taken into account when training a dog:

dog eating biscuits

  • The place. If you choose a place where there are many distractions, your dog may not pay the slightest attention to you. Find a place where you can both be relaxed, where the animal can feel comfortable and hears your voice clearly.
  • The moment. If you want to train your dog successfully, don’t choose inopportune moments like mealtime, for example. After eating it is also not a good idea, it is possible that the animal is sleepy and cannot maintain a good level of concentration.
  • Patience. Don’t expect your dog to respond right away to anything you teach him. Once you know how to teach him something, you will have to repeat the exercise over and over again until it is successful.
  • Methods. Don’t jump into training your dog without knowledge. Today we have a wonderful tool called the Internet with which you can know what you need for each order you want or need your dog to obey. However, your vet can help you and give you some good advice. But remember that the success of a good training is the methods, forget myths and train your pet with love and affection.

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