Meet The Most Social Cat Breeds

Meet the most social cat breeds

If you are a feline lover and you still cannot decide which is the best breed of cat to keep you company, in this article we share the most social specimens, those that adapt without major difficulties and who love to be with their owners.


Sphynx hairless cat

A recent study of the different breeds of cats found that of race Sphinx tend to be very sweet with strangers. Hairless cats are quick to hug anyone for warmth and also to get their attention. This breed does not like being alone too long. They are known for doing silly things to keep their owners engaged and attentive.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon cat is one of those cats that can get along with almost anyone, animal or human. This breed can easily adjust its personality from playful to laid-back, and still enjoy playing games and maintaining warm cuddling sessions. This flexibility also makes it a great travel companion and they like to go out for a walk. These kitties will let you know how special you are to them by the frequency with which they usually head butt you.

Isle of Man

The Manx or Isle of Man cat is known for not having a tail, but that doesn’t stop it from socializing. They are intelligent and observant cats, who are quick to join in social gatherings and games. They love to play fetch and try new toys.


The Burmese is a breed that usually maintains a balance between joy and affection. These cats are very adaptable. They play with other pets and children, but they also appreciate a good hug when everything has settled down. Due to this flexible attitude, they generally have no trouble hugging new guests.


This breed has basically been built on affection. The Ragdoll is not a great explorer, preferring to follow its owner inside the house and stay at a distance from other pets.


The Somali has a more active approach than other cats, and loves to attract attention. This breed lives to play and is willing to play with anyone who is interested. Its high levels of energy and love make it ideal for agility training. While these kitties love to attract attention, they do not like to share it with other pets. They tend to thrive best when they are the only pet and are the furry center of attention in a home.


The Siamese cats share many of the loving qualities of Burmese, plus an extra dose of curiosity. They don’t just crave your attention. They want to be a part of everything you do. They will gladly accompany you on homework, meals and the time you watch television. Due to their range of interests, this breed is also known to get along very well with everyone and sometimes even act like a dog.

Russian blue

russian blue 3

Don’t be fooled by rumors that Russian Blues are distant; these cats simply like to observe before acting. Once this breed is comfortable with you, it will always be around.   They love to play and be a part of everything you do. They enjoy when you share your bed with him. Due to their reserved nature, Russian Blues are not in a hurry to be a part of social gatherings. Once they are comfortable, they are quick to come out and accept your pampering.


The Persian is a gentle breed that lives to regularly enjoy a good petting session. These cats are quick to return affection if offered, as long as you aren’t too harsh on them. It is not a very active feline. He does not like being around other pets and enjoys being the king of the house.


The Abyssinian loves to do all kinds of activity. This breed is active, intelligent and loves games. He is indiscriminate when it comes to fellow players. Enjoy interacting with people of all ages, family and strangers. The Abyssinian’s adaptability makes it a great choice for children or older adults.

Exotic short hair

The exotic shorthair cat is popularly known for its loyalty and affection.  You tend to be cautious around too much activity and it may take time to socialize with children and strangers. But, once he has your confidence, he is a super dedicated companion.

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