Terriers: Very Funny Dogs

Terriers: very funny dogs

When we hear the word Terrier, we may think of dogs with a bad temper. But this is very far from reality since the character of the Terrier is characterized by being pleasant and good. In this article we are going to tell you more about this fun breed in case you are thinking of having one. If you’re not thinking about it, maybe after reading you feel like one.

Terrier characteristics

fox terrier 2

There are different kinds of Terrier such as the Fox Terrier, the Border Terrier, the Kerry Blue Terrier … The Westy are also from this family. Did you know that there was so much variety in a single breed? Me neither! Well, seeing what we have seen we will focus on speaking in a general way.

Terrier comes from the word Earth, and is that these dogs, for the most part, were trained to hunt vermin that lived underground or rodents.

As we said at the beginning of the article, we may think of a bad character. Well, this type of breeding that they had for years has made them independent dogs, brave but stubborn at the same time. Hence their fame and it is said that they are not suitable animals to be with children.

We are not going to discuss this, but the truth is that to appease your character you need good socialization and good training. If you are willing to spend your time and energy on this, go ahead! Find a Terrier.

Train a Terrier

As we told you, they will need a good socialization so that they get used to being with other dogs and other people, but be careful with children! Their independent nature makes them a bit selfish, not wanting to waste their time with little people who want to pull their hair or climb on their loins.

They will need a good dose of daily exercise to get their heart rate up. This will be as important as your training to adapt to your environment.

This training will not be an easy task. These dogs are independent minded and have never been subject to anyone, so they always want to do things their own way. You may be wondering: so how do I train it? The answer is easy: positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement consists of a series of fun and enjoyable sessions that, through kind words and appetizing rewards, make the dog change his attitude without him even noticing.

Who is a Terrier for?

These are very cheerful, funny and adaptable dogs. They will easily learn to pick up and bring things, dance tricks or others and they will make you laugh a lot. They will love to capture your attention, however it is not a suitable dog for all homes.

It is better for a Terrier to be owned by people who have had other dogs before and who know or have been very well informed about the characteristics of this breed. They are not suitable in homes where there are small children, as their desire to capture your attention can be compromised with the attention you give your baby.

It is best that they are in homes where the owners do not spend a lot of time away from home, such as elderly people and families with grown children. Also remember that there are no rodents or small animals in the home, because despite good training, the habit of chasing small animals cannot be uprooted.

Do your circumstances allow it?

jack russell terrier

Without a doubt, they are dogs that need a lot of attention, a lot of training and a lot of physical and mental exercise since they get bored with tremendous ease.

You see that not all dogs are for everyone. Think very well if your circumstances allow you to have a Terrier. We know that they are beautiful and elegant; everyone would like to have one, but not everyone can.

However, if you don’t spend a lot of time away from home, if you don’t have children or they are older and responsible and are also willing to spend your time training them with positive reinforcement, a Terrier will make you have a good time and laugh a lot.

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