What To Do If Your Dog Has Constipation

There are a number of natural remedies if a dog has constipation, which can be detected by a large swelling of the belly

Constipation is a very common disease that can affect our pets. If your dog has constipation, you will have to learn first how to identify it and then how to act to solve it. Here we give you the information you need.

How to know if your dog has constipation

The best way to tell if your dog is constipated is by observing his bowel movements. Even urine could affect constipation, so keep an eye on that, too. If his stools are hard, hard to expel, and even accompanied by a little blood, your dog may be going through it.

On the other hand, if the amount of urine has decreased, it may be because your dog is constipated and has a harder time forcing himself to urinate. This could be a whiter color too.

If you take him for a walk, it will be easy to identify these problems, but if your dog relieves himself on the terrace or in the garden, remember to check the quantity, texture, color and shape of these every day. If you walk him, you can also see how much effort he has to make to defecate and if he succeeds.

Even if you may not have realized this, you can probably tell if your dog is constipated by looking at his belly. When the animal accumulates fecal substance in its digestive system for a few days, its belly will present an unusual swelling that could be a sign of constipation.

If this swelling, in addition, lasts longer than necessary, the animal could suffer from episodes of vomiting and pain in the belly when we caress it, as well as the anal glands could fill up. You may also lose your appetite and have a fever.

Causes of constipation

Constipation in dogs is usually related mainly to food, and these are the most common causes:

  • Dehydration
  • Lack of fiber in the diet
  • Intestinal tumor
  • Stress from changing routines
  • Adverse drug effects
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Injury to the muscles of the colon

You see that although some of the causes of constipation are easy to solve, there are others that seem more serious. Therefore, it is best that you go to the vet without delay as soon as you notice the slightest sign of constipation.

He will be the one who best knows how to determine the causes and put an appropriate treatment, because although there are natural remedies that work, if the causes are greater, such as tumors or muscle injuries, we can hardly help our pet ourselves.

Remedies against constipation

Now, once the visit to the vet is made, and the most serious causes of this have been ruled out, we can do a lot at home to relieve our pet’s constipation. The vet will prescribe some medications, but if you are not very devoted to these you may prefer to opt for natural remedies, or combine both. You choose. Here are some that have been shown to work:

  • Much water. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation in dogs. Therefore, ‘force’ your pet to drink more water than usual. If he does not do it himself, you can help him with a syringe to insert it directly.
  • Watch the feeding. The amount of carbohydrates and sugars is increasing more and more in pet food. They do this in order for your pet to get hooked on this type of feed and for its economic price to attract you. Spend a little more, but making sure it is high in vegetables that contain the fiber that your pet needs for proper intestinal function.
  • Probiotic. Your vet can tell you which ones are the best and the precise amounts your pet needs.
  • Cider vinegar. It is a good purgative that will activate your pet’s digestive system, as it helps improve digestion.
  • Aloe vera. Aloe water, or any other constipation that contains it and is for oral use, will be a relief if your dog has constipation.

Do not use laxatives, or anything similar that we take, and think about things that can be good for your pet. Remember to check its use with your vet before doing so, even if these methods are natural. Massages can also help activate your pet’s intestinal system and relieve constipation.

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