Problems Of Spoiling The Dog

Problems of spoiling the dog

A spoiled dog is one that hurts you or another pet, lacks loyalty and is usually very rebellious and disobedient.  At all times he will try to get your attention so that you give him treats, give him caresses or let him go out to play.

However,  this problem is not that of the animal, but of its owners who consent to it more than is appropriate.

Spoiling a dog is a situation that can become very complicated, not only in the private space but also in the public.

Here are some signs so that you know what the problems of spoiling the dog are, you can modify that behavior and coexistence is the most appropriate.

What are the signs that a dog is being spoiled?

dog biscuits

A spoiled dog is usually owned by a mom or dad. These are the people who treat your little friend like a furry human baby. They refuse to treat a dog like a dog.

Problems can range from annoying and irritating people or others of their kind to aggressively attacking them.  If it is not taken care of in time it can be even fatal.

In general, owners of poorly bred dogs are emotionally weak and have no idea how they should set limits and follow the rules.

Having no inclination to try to achieve an orderly routine for their dogs, there is no provision on the part of dogs to ensure that obedience is a lifestyle.

Another cause is that the owner tries to reason with the dog. Dogs do not reason the same as people, they do not feel guilty like them, nor do they know language like them.

However, these types of pets can be corrected in the same way that happens with humans.

Hundreds of times pet owners have been seen trying to teach their dog better behavior through all sorts of tactics such as long speeches, withholding of dinner, and other situations.

However, these kinds of lessons do little to stop the little one from being spoiled. In this sense, the important thing is that the dog learns, identifies and obeys different rules.

What else should you know …

It all comes down to the dog’s needs

hug person dog

Big mistake. This type of thinking aggravates 100% the behavior not only of the animal but of the rest of the members of the family.

Avoid falling into this type of situation and remember: your dog is still an animal.

And the dog’s feelings?

Educating a dog does not mean an outrage on his life. In other words, a little discipline is not synonymous with torture, far from it. It all depends on how we use the rules.

First no cruelty, no screaming. They do not help at all. The best way is to train them from puppies, so that they can identify what the rules are.

The owners feel guilty

Yes, usually, when pet owners have to be firm with their little friends, a guilty feeling comes to them that tears their hearts.

These types of people, when their dogs don’t obey, take the easy route and justify why their dogs don’t have to do these things or why the training and discipline are cruel.

Again, big mistake. Believing that dogs are like humans is one of the reasons why canines often fall into aggressive or demanding behavior.

The dog tends to have too much attention

Owners do have to worry about their pet and be attentive to its needs, but all with limits.  Nothing in excess is good.

Dogs that are often praised, pampered and protected too much tend to become spoiled and capricious. This encourages aggression in some specimens and competition among their peers.

But everything is predictable. If you want to be a good owner, leadership does not involve aggressive and authoritarian methods. It’s all about patience and setting limits.

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