4 Characteristics That Your Doghouse Should Have

Your dog’s house must meet a series of conditions so that it becomes his refuge and a place where he feels comfortable
4 characteristics that your dog house should have

Made with your own hands or acquired in a store, your dog’s house should have a series of characteristics that ensure that your dog feels comfortable and protected within it. We tell you what you must take into account to achieve it.

Considerations about your doghouse

Whether the dog spends certain time outside the house or lives permanently outside your home, the house should serve as a refuge and have the comforts so that it can rest properly.

Also consider the location. It should be in a place that pleases you. In any case, the ideal would be for it to be installed indoors, for greater protection from inclement weather.

Pay attention to the characteristics of your dog to choose its habitat: also take into account your budget and the area you live in. And remember that beautiful is not always synonymous with good. Appropriate materials and sizes are preferable to a fancy designer house that may not end up being what the animal needs.

So, if you want to provide your dog with a good house, keep in mind that it must :

-Protect you from different weather conditions

Your doghouse has to :

  • Provide you with insulation from both high and low temperatures. The wooden ones will keep you more protected from the heat, while the plastic ones can get very hot in summer. There are also booths that have air chambers in their walls to protect the animal from extreme thermal marks.
  • Avoid leaks when it rains. Make sure the roof is waterproofed.
  • Resist hail. Synthetic resin huts are the ones that best withstand the onslaught of the weather.
  • Keep it isolated from soil moisture. A good solution is for the shed to have a concrete base.


Also keep in mind that you will have to orient the house correctly to protect it from cold winds or heavy rains, and to take better advantage of the sun.

-Have the right size

That your pet feels comfortable in his house is essential for him to accept it and want to be in it. And although it is important that it be large enough for the animal to move without difficulty, it is not recommended that it be too large, since it can make it colder in winter.

On the other hand, the entrance must be somewhat smaller than the size of the animal. In this way, you will ensure that too much heat or cold does not penetrate. Also consider the possibility of attaching a curtain at the entrance to keep your dog more sheltered.

It is also recommended that the house have the door on one side. It is another way to keep the dog safe from the different conditions that the weather can present.

Kennel for the dog

-Can be easily cleaned

Hygiene is essential to give your dog a good quality of life. And for this you must keep your house well clean and free of parasites. Remember to also extend the cleaning to the bed and other objects that your pet has within the enclosure.

Although the hose is a good ally for these tasks, you should also use a disinfectant substance that does not affect the health of the dog. In addition, you can apply some product against fleas and ticks. Don’t hesitate to consult your vet about it.

Keep in mind that plastic sheds allow the roof to be removed. And that those with smooth surfaces are easier to clean than porous ones.

-Have a fastening system

Perhaps your dog is quiet or the area in which you live does not present climatic phenomena that warrant that the house is well attached to the ground.

But as it is always better to be safe than sorry, it doesn’t hurt to fix your friend’s cabin, either to the ground or to some material surface.

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