Raising Pigeons At Home

The key to the correct keeping in captivity of these birds is the care in relation to food, hygiene and continuous checks to check their physical condition.
Pigeon breeding at home

Many consider them a plague due to their proliferation in urban centers, and some develop a true phobia with their presence. However, the breeding of pigeons at home continues to win followers around the world.

Contrary to what it may seem, these birds are hygienic and can be raised safely. In addition, they are intelligent and sociable animals that can be easily trained.

Origins and characteristics of pigeons

We popularly use the term ‘dove’ to refer to numerous birds that make up the Columbiformes family . At present, there are more than 300 different breeds of pigeons distributed on all continents. As we have seen, in many places they are considered a pest.

If we look at our streets, for example, we will find numerous specimens of wild pigeons, the most popular breed in the world. These pigeons were used as messengers for many centuries, and have contributed significantly to the evolution of human communication.

Originally, pigeons maintained an omnivorous diet, consisting mainly of grains, seeds and some fruits. However, adaptation to large cities and dietary changes have radically transformed the body of pigeons.

Pigeons: a plague

The organism of pigeons is similar to that of other birds, such as parrots. If they are raised in a clean and positive environment, they remain active and healthy. But when they live in unsanitary places, they become a possible source of contamination and transmitter of various zoonoses.

Pigeon farming: a historical passion

Beyond a hobby , pigeon breeding is a historical activity. Its aesthetic diversity, sociable character and ease of learning have made a successful, simple and exciting domestication possible. Below, we summarize the essential care for a successful pigeon breeding at home.


Proper hygiene for your pigeons

Pigeons are naturally clean animals. But like any bird, they can come into contact with numerous microorganisms and host certain parasites in their body. For this reason, it is essential to adopt proper hygiene habits so that the breeding of pigeons at home is safe.

The cages, objects and accessories of your pigeons should be sanitized two to three times a week. It is also essential to wash the feeder, the drinker and the excrement tray of your pigeons daily. In this way, it is possible to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms in your body and in our home.

Another good habit is to prevent the accumulation of food scraps or excrement in any accessory or in the bottom of the cage. We must offer balanced portions of feed to the birds and thus avoid excess or waste when removing waste at the end of the day.

Weekly check of your pigeons

A good practice in pigeon breeding is to check the body of your birds once to twice a week. It is important to pay special attention to the feathers and legs where the parasites usually lodge. And  when observing any wound or alteration of appearance, it is necessary to turn to a specialized veterinarian.

Take care of your pigeons

Balanced diet for a healthy body

All animals need a balanced diet to stay healthy, active and happy. Proper nutrition allows pigeons to strengthen their immune system and develop better physical resistance.

The diet of a pigeon must contain a wide variety of grains to provide fats, carbohydrates and proteins to the body. In pet stores there are balanced mixes for these animals. They also eat homemade meals that contain corn, sorghum, oats, wheat, barley, rice, lentils, carob, flax, lima beans, and sunflower.

It is recommended to offer small pieces of fruits and vegetables mixed with the grains and seeds one to two times a week. We must also remember that the chicks should receive porridge with a higher protein content obtained mainly from small insects.

Preparing the perfect environment for pigeon breeding

The breeding of pigeons must have cages or lofts suitable for the size of the breed preferred by the breeder. It is essential to avoid overcrowding of the lofts; the ideal would be to have between two and three birds per cage.

Pigeons as pets

It is recommended to line the bottom of the lofts with gravel or newspapers to facilitate their hygiene. In addition, we must offer them some straw so that they can make their nests and lay their eggs after the reproductive season.

Feeders and drinkers must be chosen according to the size and morphology of the breed chosen for breeding. In this way we prevent constant spills and future contamination.

We must pay great attention to choose the location of their cages. Pigeons must never be exposed to the elements. And as they are native to warm or temperate climates, we must keep the ambient temperature close to 24ºC.

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