Treatment Of Pad Wounds In Dogs

Injuries to the pads of dogs can be caused by trauma, burns or erosion.
Treatments for pad wounds in dogs

Imagine that you had to walk barefoot – without shoes or socks – from here to there … You would have to take great care of your feet! The same thing happens with animals in general and with dogs in particular. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to treat wounds on your pet’s pads.

Why are the wounds on the pads?

Many pet owners worry about the health of the paws and wonder why the wounds on the pads arise. Although it is best to prevent injuries, if you see blood or any other sign of injury, it is essential to treat it.

But first of all, we must talk a little about the pads of dogs, which would be like the soles of our shoes. This area is the one that comes into contact with different surfaces and is responsible for avoiding bone or joint problems, since it cushions the steps and allows you to walk more lightly.

Despite being so tough, it is also sensitive and can get hurt quite easily. Injuries to the pads are more frequent than we think, because the animal often does not take into account the danger and does not know that it will be hurt.

Burns on the pads of dogs

We could divide these injuries into three types:

1. Erosion pad wounds

It occurs in all animals due to wear on the soles of the feet, especially if they walk on concrete and other hard surfaces. In addition, both excess and lack of exercise can cause this erosion. Although they are not serious, they cause more injuries from any contact with the ground.

2. Wounds to the pads from burns

When it is very hot and sunny it is recommended not to take the dog for a walk. Beyond the dehydration that they can suffer (especially in brachycephalic breeds or obese animals), the pads can burn in contact with hot asphalt.

The same happens when it is cold and snowing, or in frozen places. Even in breeds adapted to these climatic conditions – such as the Alaskan malamute or the Siberian husky – great care must be taken with the contact of their feet with snowy surfaces.

3. Injuries to the pads from trauma

In this case , injuries caused by sharp or dangerous objects that can stick in the animal’s legs are included : splinters, branches, metals, glass, etc. These traumas lead to more serious injuries, with bleeding and pain. If they are not treated in time they can cause infections.

How to treat pad wounds

It is very important to avoid situations that can cause injury to the pads, but if these do happen it is essential that they receive treatment. If it is a minor injury, we can use some homemade technique, but when some trauma occurs or the animal cannot step on the pain, yes or yes we must take it to be checked by a veterinarian.

Hurt dog pads

When identifying a wound or observing that the pads are hardened or cracked, the steps to follow are:

1. Wash with clean water

Many times the area requires some cleaning to avoid further inconveniences. Have your dog lie on its side and wash with lukewarm water to remove impurities and promote healing. In addition, hygiene serves as a soothing in case of burns and even offers relaxation to the animal.

2. Cut hairs from the surroundings

It is true that the hairs function as ‘barriers’ against objects that can get into the pads, but when there are wounds, they can be responsible for infections. We recommend, once you have cleaned the area, that you trim the hairs that may bother and accumulate dirt.

3. Wash with hydrogen peroxide

Once the area is clean and clear, if you find any wound, even superficial, it is important that you disinfect with hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a gauze and pass carefully : it will not burn or have any side effect on the animal.

4. Apply suitable medicines

You can ask your vet if you have ‘permission’ to apply other medications, such as diluted iodine or chlorhexidine digluconate for animal use. It is available as a spray and is easy to apply.

And in case the injury is caused by a burn, there are creams or gels that decongest the area. The pads may need to be bandaged to keep the medicine from leaking out.

Do not neglect the wounds on your dog’s pads, as they can be very painful and not allow him to walk well.

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