Persian, The Short-haired Cat?

Persian, the short-haired cat?

Do you like Persians but don’t want to have to deal with the long fur of these kittens, or are you afraid you might get an allergy? Then the Exotic is the ideal animal for you, since it maintains most of the characteristics of this beautiful breed but it is a short-haired cat.

Learn how the Exotic was born , a short-haired cat

The Exotic is an artificially created breed, product of the cross between specimens of Persian cats with American shorthair.

Persian cat

Thus, animals as magnificent as the Persians were achieved , with very good character and ideal to have in a house, but with the benefit that they do not lose too much hair and with a few weekly brushings it is enough to keep them well cared for in that aspect.

In the USA the Exotic Shorthair was officially recognized as a breed in 1967. Four years later Europe followed suit.

There were also crosses with breeds such as the British Shorthair , the Russian Blue and the Sacred Burma, but since 1987, it can only be crossed with the Persian.

Some characteristics of the Exotic

The Exotic cat  is a calm, affectionate and sociable animal, with which it is easy to live and that also gets along wonderfully with other kittens and even with pets of other species.

But in addition to its short coat that looks silky and plush without needing the care required by the Persians , its physical characteristics include :

  • Medium to large size.
  • Weight between 3 and 6 kilograms.
  • Solid build.
  • Flat face.
  • Rounded head, with a broad forehead and plump cheeks.
  • Ears small, separated and set low.
  • Short and wide nose.
  • Round eyes, large and separated from each other.
  • Tail and short legs.

This breed of short-haired cat  has varied colors. For example: blue, white, chocolate, cream, lilac, black and red and, in addition, there are models of drawings that combine several of these tones.

Other details about these adorable kittens

Usually, the Exotics are pussycats who are in good health, although the same as the Persian s , may have some alteration -oftalmológica, mandibular, FACIAL because of its flat face. They can also develop a tear duct disorder and dental and respiratory infections. The average life span ranges from 12 to 19 years.

And since they are animals that tend to be overweight, it is convenient to be attentive to this issue and provide them with an adequate diet according to the level of physical activity they develop and their age. In any case, be sure to ask your vet for advice.

Moreover, the Exotics also share with relatives longhaired taste for curling up on laps, but are less lazy and like most of the game.

As they are domestic felines that seek the constant company of their masters, it is not advisable to choose this breed if there is no constant presence of humans in the home.

Garfield, the popular cartoon character, is an Exotic cat

Persian cat

But despite being a relatively recent breed, this shorthair cat became famous through Garfield. The popular cartoon character is undoubtedly a copy of Exotic, although its creator, Jim Davis, made it a little lazier than these kitties usually are.

These adorable domestic felines have also earned the nickname of stuffed cats. Although its coat is short, it is very dense and fluffy because it has a large amount of undercoat.

And although physically only the length of the hair seems to differentiate it from the Persians , this same detail gives it a very particular aspect.

So now you know, if you like the Persians but fear that you will not be able to take care of their beautiful fur, the Exotic is without a doubt the option.

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