How To Correct Bad Behavior Of Your Cat

The bad behaviors of your cat can be related to a condition that he suffers, but they are usually linked to a poor education, in which it is more than advisable to invest since the feline is a puppy
How to correct bad behaviors of your cat

Unfortunately, there are still many myths about the possibility of teaching a cat to improve its behavior in the home routine. But it is not only possible to correct your cat’s bad behaviors, but also to prevent them with the help of positive reinforcement, patience and dedication.

Felines are highly intelligent and sensitive animals, and with proper stimulation they can respond satisfactorily to positive training. Next, we give you the best  tips to educate and reverse your cat’s bad behaviors.

Possible causes of your cat’s bad behaviors

The first step in correcting your kitty’s inappropriate behaviors will be to identify its cause. By knowing what is causing the bad behaviors, we can establish an appropriate treatment.

It is important to highlight the importance of having the guidance of a veterinarian to reach a professional and assertive diagnosis. These are the most frequent causes that can cause bad behaviors in your cat.

Metabolic diseases and disorders 

The bad behaviors of your cat can be associated with some pathology or a metabolic disorder. When a kitten experiences severe pain or has its sensory functions affected, it may become more aggressive, withdraw, stay hidden for a long time, or adopt unusual behaviors.

These reactions that we are seeing are usually more frequent in elderly kittens, although they can appear in felines of all ages.

Elderly cats

If your cat’s character seems to have suddenly changed, it is essential to quickly take him to the vet. At the veterinary clinic, the professional will be able to verify the animal’s health status, rule out possible pathological causes or reach a diagnosis.

In the event that your kitten is diagnosed with a disease or metabolic disorder, the veterinarian will be able to guide you to follow the appropriate treatment for its needs.


Much of the misbehavior in cats derives from poor education, as well as poor socialization. Felines internalize most of their habits and form the pillars of their behavior during their childhood.

It should also be noted that the character of a kitten is more flexible in its first months of life, which favors its learning and the assimilation of good behaviors.

Therefore, if we want to have an adult cat with good behavior, sociable and balanced, we must invest in its early education and socialization. For example: if we do not want our kitten to climb on the bed or on the sofa, we should not allow him to do so when he is a puppy.

When the puppy cat assimilates a behavior as allowed in his day to day, he will take it as a habit for his adult phase. Therefore, it is impossible that from one day to the next your kitten will understand this behavior as unwanted or prohibited just because his age has changed.

Poor physical or mental stimulation

Although home life offers a protected environment to our kittens, it also means a considerable reduction in their physical activity. In the wild, the cats would exercise their body and mind by searching for prey, hunting and exploring their territory.

When our pet is at home, these activities must be supplemented by other stimuli that allow cats to express their curiosity and their senses, in addition to strengthening their muscles and bone structure.

Kittens that experience a sedentary routine and accumulate a lot of energy are more likely to develop symptoms of stress and boredom. Consequently, conduct disorders such as hyperactivity, destructiveness or aggressiveness may appear.

Cat toys

For all the above, environmental enrichment is an essential care to prevent bad behaviors from your cat. In addition to offering him toys and accessories, it is also recommended to add sensory stimuli to his environment.

Positive reinforcement: the best method to correct your cat’s bad behaviors

Positive reinforcement is the safest and most efficient method to teach your kitten and prevent bad behaviors.  Every time your cat successfully completes a task or shows a willingness to learn, remember to offer her a reward to recognize her effort and stimulate her learning.

When your feline does something inappropriate or unwanted, it is not effective or advisable to  scold him . Scolding puts the kitten under a high level of stress, which can lead to defensive attitudes. In fact, we must emphasize that the ‘traditional’ method, with the use of punishment and scolding, is dangerous and counterproductive for the education of any pet.

To highlight misbehavior, simply say ‘no’ to your cat in a firm and objective tone of voice. And by observing a desired action, we will reward the feline with a treat, a compliment, a toy or another ‘prize’.

In this way, it is possible to correct your cat’s bad behaviors in a safe and positive way. However, if the negative behaviors continue, remember to quickly take your feline to the vet.

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