The 10 Ways Our Dogs Show Us Their Love

The 10 ways our dogs show us their love

Love in dogs is something that develops as you, as the owner, treat it responsibly, always giving it the best.

When it is said that these beautiful companions are man’s best friend, it is never something gratuitous, since they remain with you in good and bad moments, in addition to always showing you what they feel for you, even when some of their forms are unique and unusual.

The ways in which the canine expresses his love

They take care of you when you are sick

man and dog

Thus, in these types of situations is where the canine reflects with greater intensity the importance, respect and love that it feels towards you, because by seeing you in an adverse circumstance, it will be by your side to make you understand that you count unconditionally with someone who loves you and cares about you.

It is worth noting that this attitude is part of herd life, since when one of his companions suffers an injury, he licks him to show solidarity.

They bite you gently

On many occasions, owners see a problem that has to be solved in their dog’s bites, however, what many do not know is that when they bite passively and without aggressiveness – that is, those little bites that do not hurt – we they are expressing their love and affection.

They follow you everywhere

It is known by all that canines are beings that know how to show their feelings towards you in a thousand and one ways, however, the most expressive and direct is when they accompany you everywhere because this is one of the best ways they have to display your love.

They lick your face

Although this is an act that also reflects a submissive attitude towards the master, when the canines lick your face they are letting you know that they love you and feel a lot of tenderness for you.

It is worth noting that this gesture is usually done from puppies, initially with their mothers, which means that it is one of the most affectionate and special actions that they can perform.

They wag their tail when they see you

Although this gesture can be done before different types of stimuli, when the dog loves its owner and recognizes him as his closest friend, wagging their tail is the way in which they express both their feelings and the happiness that it makes them see you.

They lean on you

These beings are so special that they know better than anyone to make all their feelings known, and it is that   when your little four-legged friend loves you, it is common for them to lean on you in a gesture that represents the surrender of all their love and unconditionality. .

They bark when they see you

Like when they wag their tail, it is an action they can take for reasons such as:

  • Afraid
  • Alert
  • Stress
  • Boredom
  • Frustration
  • Inheritance

However, what is a real surprise for many, is that the barking also signifies a gesture of love towards their masters when they see them.

They steal and play with your underwear

Let’s face it, more than one of us has happened to come to the house and see our partner with our underwear in his mouth.

The truth is that although this can be extremely uncomfortable, they do it as a token of love, since this garment is the one that smells the most to us, especially when it is not clean.

They stick out their tongue constantly

Have you ever wondered why your canine pretends to lick the air? The answer is because he loves you too much.

Of the many, many ways he has to display his love, this is probably the cutest of all, as he does this because at that moment the air smells like you.

The greatest token of love is that they are loyal to you forever

man stroking dog

It is well known that of all living beings the dog is the most faithful and unconditional, and it is that when you manage to win their love, they offer you their loyalty in an eternal way, since for them this is the greatest way to express their feelings. and their respect.

As you may have noticed, canines are a piece of our happiness that will only know how to make us feel whole and find thousands of ways to express what they feel for us.

Image courtesy of susan.

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