Learn About The Advantages Of Biodegradable Cat Litter

Know those advantages of biodegradable litter for cats

In line with greater care of the environment, the sand biodegradable cat is an ecofriendly option that promises to revolutionize the market feline hygiene.

In addition to producing less odors and being more efficient, it has the advantage that – in most cases – it can be flushed down the toilet. So, if your kitty does not resist, this is a good option to consider.

Different types of sanitary sand

Traditional kitten toilet products – such as bentonite or silica beads – contain chemicals that harm the environment.

In addition, over time, they can affect the health of animals and humans, mainly causing respiratory problems.

For their part, biodegradable litters, which appeared in recent years in the pet products market, are mainly composed of plant elements. Also, they do not use any type of artificial additive.

If you have not yet had your cat try this kind of litter, keep in mind that there are several brands on the market.

And always remember that, when in doubt, the best option is to consult a vet who builds confidence.

Advantages of biodegradable sand

cat litter box

We tell you some characteristics of this type of sand.

Odor control

Do not use artificial fragrances, which can drive your cat away from the tray. In general, the lingering aroma is similar to that of wood.

High performance

Lasts longer than traditional products. The urine and feces form lumps with the sand. In this way, it is easier to remove only what is used and flush it directly down the toilet.

Lower cost

Although they have a cost equal to or greater than that of the classic sands, as they are more profitable, they are ultimately cheaper.

It is clean and does not generate dust

However, since nothing is perfect, some wood shavings can stick to the animal’s hair. They can also be dragged by their legs and, in this way, finally be scattered around the tray.

In addition, once used by your kitten, it can be used for compost or disposed of with organic waste. Stool can also be flushed down the toilet.

What is biodegradable cat litter made of?

The most used materials to make this type of sand are:

  • Pinewood
  • Recycled paper
  • Wheat grains
  • Corn kernels
  • Walnut shells

Some brands use only natural fibers from wood fallen from different trees. This is an extremely ecological option, since –as they explain– no tree is cut down to get this kind of sand.

Others are made only from spruce wood. In this case, they ensure that the pines are constantly replanted.

More details on the different kinds of biodegradable sand

cat sand

The sands that are made from grains have a microporous structure that ensures the absorption of bad odors. In addition, they catch the piss of the kitten immediately.

This prevents moisture from seeping to the bottom of the tray or sticking to its sides.

The problem with this type of litter is that your cat may end up using it as food. And while you are not at risk of poisoning, these grains are not recommended for your diet.

Also keep in mind that:

  • Products made from walnut shells have a high binding capacity, are highly absorbent and control odors well.
  • There is the option of dust-free pellets, made with pressed recycled paper and that allow high absorption and neutralization of odors.
  • You can make biodegradable cat litter yourself. Some recipes for homemade sand are published on the internet , which have paper as the main element.

Healthy and ecological pets

Awareness for caring for the environment should cover as many areas as possible. We can all contribute with everyday attitudes to having a less polluted planet. Our pets should not be the exception.

Using biodegradable litter for your cat to eliminate is a good way to start. But there are also other possibilities to take care of the ecology while taking care of your pet that you could put into practice.

It’s about goodwill. And also of survival instinct.

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