Is It Good To Cut The Dog’s Hair?

Certain breeds are ‘prepared’ to cool down in hot weather, so, depending on the case, we could be damaging the health of our dog if we cut his hair, even more improperly
Is it good to cut the dog's hair?

Either because of the arrival of summer or for aesthetic reasons, we decided to cut the dog’s hair thinking that this way it will be more comfortable or it will not suffer from heat. However, this is not always exactly the case, since sometimes the peeled dog does not keep it fresh.

Cutting the dog’s hair: yes or no?

We believe that because we do not like hair in summer for dogs too. And this is not necessarily true, as certain breeds are ‘set’ to cool down in hot weather. Although it is a temporary solution and for the season, cutting the dog’s hair can turn out to be a negative for its health in the long term.

It is necessary to understand a little how the coat works in a canine: in the winter it allows it to protect itself from the cold and in the summer it protects it from the sun’s rays, to avoid burns on its sensitive skin, especially if it is very light in color.

When we cut our pet’s hair, we remove that natural shield against UV rays, so it can suffer skin rashes or redness. It is the same as if you lie in the sun without putting sunscreen on your skin.

Breeds that allow or do not allow haircut

First of all you should know that, under no circumstances, you should shave your dog’s hair: at least you should leave a layer of a few centimeters on the coat so that it is protected from the sun.

Also, do not forget that the canine organism is prepared to cool itself.  If you remove all the hair, it will lead to an imbalance for the animal at a biological level.

Of course, you can cut the dog’s hair as long as the type of coat or the breed allows it. Here are some cases:

1. Breeds with thick and short hair

They are breeds such as the German Shepherd, the Siberian Husky or the Labrador Retriever. These dogs have in common that  during the summer time they lose a lot of hair, which does not grow again until the ambient temperature drops.

This is their way of cooling down in hot weather.  However, we recommend that you follow the routine of brushing every day –or every two days– to remove excess dead hair and prevent the house from being full of it or the animal from being able to evacuate the heat on its own.

2. Breeds with long and abundant hair

The Pomeranian, the chow chow or the Afghan greyhound are clear examples and, although it seems strange, it is not advisable to cut their hair either. Why? Because with each cut the strands weaken and in the long term it will stop growing naturally. And, although it is not related to health, one of the most beautiful things that these breeds have is precisely their spectacular ‘hair’.

Cutting the dog's long hair

Therefore, instead of cutting your hair you should follow a brushing routine to remove the dead cells, and allow new strands to grow healthy and strong. The only time we could cut it is when knots form, as they can be painful and annoying.

3. Breeds with hair all year round

Regardless of the season or season, breeds such as schnauzer, cocker spaniel, tekel, yorkshire, bichon or fox terrier grow hair, so they need a cut two or three times a year. But be careful, because cutting is not the same as shaving, since in the latter case the animal is very unprotected;  You may even be ashamed to go outside.

Dog hair care

Beyond cutting the dog’s hair or not, it is very important to maintain the hygiene and health of the coat. For example, we must pay attention so that knots do not form or that herbs, plants, spikes or spikes do not get caught when they go to the park or the field.

Cutting the dog's hair short

Finally, a good way to prevent your pet from suffering from heat in summer is not to expose him to the sun or high temperatures. You should always have a container with fresh water and have a shady place to shelter. And for nothing in the world should you take it out for a walk between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

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