‘Tips’ To Get A Dog Used To Being Left Alone

Dogs are social animals and they need to be in contact with other beings, which does not mean that they can never be left alone; although you have to put into practice a series of habits to prevent them from suffering stress
'Tips' to get a dog used to being left alone

One of the main ‘fears’ of people when adopting a pet is what to do with them when they go to work or to do the shopping. Many decide not to bring an animal home to avoid crying or breaking everything. Therefore, in the following article we give you some tips to get a dog used to being alone.

The best tips to get a dog used to being alone

Some animals must spend many hours alone at home and suffer from what is known as separation anxiety. During the time that they are without company they can cry, howl, relieve themselves in any place or break what they have at their fingertips.

We must take into account as a first measure that dogs are social animals and that they need to be in contact with other beings. This does not mean that you should always stay home to prevent the dog from feeling sad, but it does mean that you should take some precautions and change certain habits:

1. Get used to it from puppyhood

As the dog enters the house we have to teach him to stay alone. At first, it will be for a short time –five minutes– and then for longer stays –of several hours– so that it takes it as something natural.

Many people adopt an animal when on vacation. They do it to take advantage of those days of leisure and get used to the fact that their owner will not always be by their side.

2. Exercise it

Lack of physical activity can affect the animal’s mood, so  if you take it for a walk before you go to the office, when you return, the dog will need a good rest. Get up half an hour early and take him out to the park or for a block walk.

How to get a dog used to being alone

The important thing is that it depletes a good part of the energy that the dog has recharged during the night.  That is, for at least a few hours to be calm and recover from morning exercise.

3. Avoid the rush

Another way to get a dog used to being left alone is to pay attention to your own habits: if you wake up 10 minutes before it is time to leave, you will probably be here and there while you get dressed and take your things. On the other hand,  if you have more time available and act calmly, your pet will associate your departure with something pleasant.

In addition, we recommend that in the 15 minutes prior to your departure you do not interact with the animal so that it calms down and anticipates its hours alone. If you play with him, pamper him or talk to him, it will be more difficult for him to accept that you are not there.

In turn, do not say goodbye effusively as if it were the last time you will see it : animals consider this habit as something bad and their emotional state weakens. Don’t feel bad about not saying goodbye before closing the door.

4. Leave food and toys

Just as you leave home, we advise you to give him some food; In this way you will be entertained and, to digest, you will lie down to rest. It would also be good if you left him some favorite toys or objects so that he can chew and entertain himself for several hours.

5. Tidy up the house and put on music

Try not to leave any object within reach, as this will not break or destroy anything in your absence. Avoid clothes thrown on the floor and open doors to rooms or balconies. Close access to the pool if you leave it in the garden, or to those environments that you consider dangerous.

Getting a dog used to being left alone: ​​tips

To prevent the animal from feeling lonely and sad, you can leave the radio or television on. Of course you will not understand what they say, but at least the house will not be silent.

6. Choose a special room

Finally, you can choose to leave it in a small room, or without access to other spaces in the house, such as the kitchen. There you must arrange all his personal belongings – bed, toys, feeder and drinker – and, for nothing in the world, tie him. It allows it to move freely, but close those places where you do not want it to enter.

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