A Center Is Created For Animals That Will No Longer Be Able To Live In Freedom

A center is created for animals that will no longer be able to live in freedom

Have you ever wondered what would happen if an animal in the wild suffered an accident such that it no longer allowed it to continue living in its habitat ? They could lose a limb, or a bird could be unable to fly and still living in the wild would only make them easy prey for predators. That is why we are happy that this center is created for animals that will no longer be able to live in freedom, although it sounds strange.

Thus, in Spain this will no longer be a problem as José Peña has created a Wildlife Center that bears his name. It is a center for animals that will no longer be able to live in freedom. Would you like to meet him? Let’s go to Navas del Rey, in Madrid.

Animals that can no longer live in freedom find a home

cows, farm animals

This center was inaugurated in 2010 and already houses more than 200 species in its more than 8 hectares of land. Enter the species that inhabit this center for animals that will no longer be able to live in freedom are deer, fallow deer, roe deer, lesser kestrels and eagles.

José Peña wants to make it very clear that they do not buy or sell animals, they only receive those who will have problems surviving in their natural habitat for health reasons. Nor do they breed. Their sole objective is for the animals to have the best possible quality of life and if any of them have a remarkable recovery, their situation will be assessed and if determined, they will be released again.

There are three people who attend this center and that although it is municipal property it is managed by a private company that to raise more funds allows people to see the animals for the modest price of 8 euros or 6 euros if they are children.

This center for animals that can no longer live in freedom collaborates in research

The last tenant of this center is an imperial eagle. The appearance of this endangered bird has shown that there are more and more extortions of their nests favoring extinction.

In this particular case, the bird appeared in the center tucked into a cardboard box with a fractured left wing. According to the veterinary examination, he has a severe injury that prevents him from flying. This makes their chances of surviving in the outside world non-existent.

According to the data, this species is rapidly heading towards extinction as it seems that only 480 pairs capable of reproducing remain in the country.

Captive breeding is being implemented to prevent extinction from happening, which is why the José Peña center has been criticized for keeping this specimen.

There seems to be another center where the breeding of the golden eagle is promoted and they believe that it would be more appropriate to take it there so that the animal could interact with others of its species. It never rains to everyone’s liking …

Be that as it may, the truth is that the José Peña Wildlife Center is more than capable of attending to this and other specimens and leaving them living there or returning them to their original freedom in case they recover.

Other cases of people who have created centers

dog shelter

As always, this is excellent news, and although it is the first center for animals that will no longer be able to live in freedom, there have also been promoters of good initiatives that we want to remind you of. Let’s take a walk through our old articles.

  • Shelter for elderly animals. This was an initiative created by Sher in Maryland where she collects to feed and care for elderly animals.
  • Animal rescue. A millionaire named Wan Yan spent his entire fortune collecting and feeding street-dwelling dogs.
  • Frame. A boy who loves animals and set about rescuing them and giving them a new home.
  • Shelter that feeds homeless dogs. In New York City there is a shelter that, in addition to feeding the homeless, also feeds their dogs.
  • Hostel in the Philippines. Ken, a Filipino boy creates a shelter for abandoned animals together with his father.

These are just a few stories that we have told you about and that have touched our hearts, but there are many others that we hope you will read on our blog.

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