The Italian Greyhound: Small And Affectionate

The Italian Greyhound: small and affectionate

The Italian Greyhound is the smallest breed of all the sighthound breeds.  However , despite its scarce weight of five kilos, it does not detract from the rest of the breeds, and it can also reach incredible speeds for its size. We discover everything about this funny as well as wonderful breed of greyhound:

History of the Italian Greyhound

Like many of the breeds of sighthounds and hounds, the Italian greyhound (also called ‘little Italian greyhound’) has an ancestral origin. They are believed to be descended from the dogs that lived with the ancient Egyptians.

In the case of the Italian greyhound, remains of their skeletons have been found in excavations in Greece that place them coexisting with humans as early as 3000 BC It is not known how they reached the Italian peninsula, but it is believed that it was shortly after, places this breed as one of the oldest known.

During the Renaissance it was used as a hunter for rabbits and other small animals . They were highly valued dogs; in fact, many dogs of this breed can be seen in portraits of nobles.

Currently, the Italian greyhound is a companion dog and is no longer used in hunting, unlike many other breeds of greyhounds. His affectionate character and small size have made him a great pet dog.

Italian greyhound dog in the garden

Physical characteristics

This breed of greyhound physically resembles its greyhound relatives, but is very small in size.

Adult specimens usually measure between 32 and 38 centimeters to the withers and weigh only four or five kilos. It should be noted that there are no large differences in size or weight between males and females.

Furthermore, morphologically it is long, but at the same time proportionate;  the legs are long and slender, but the body is usually the same length as it is high. That is, it has a square and harmonious appearance, which gives it an elegant, fragile and agile appearance.

The head is also long and fine, with a snout that tapers to a dark-colored nose that is larger than that of other small dogs. The ears are triangular, wide and large: they are held  high on the head, folded in on themselves and extend towards the nape of the neck.

Unlike other breeds of greyhound, the back of this specimen from Italy is straight and not arched. Also, the tail is fine and long, wider at the base.

On the other hand, the hair of the Italian greyhound is flat and fine; it  is also only a plain shade and brindle colors are not sought after. It can be white, tan, gray, or yellow; and they may have white spots on the chest and feet.


The Italian Greyhound is an extremely affectionate dog that  wants to always have its human family in mind, and that it give it the attention it deserves. They are extremely intelligent dogs, which adds to their desire to please as they are always willing to learn new things.

However, they are a sensitive breed of dog that is easily stressed. They will love living in a quiet house, with predictable humans who do not subject them to many emotions. They are, therefore, dogs that will be happier living with elderly and calm people than in a house with children.

On the other hand, this breed species is shy but affectionate at the same time; in the same way, it is agile but not energetic. With three quality walks a day you have your exercise needs covered, so you do not need to exercise more than on those walks, or play stressful games.

He can also be reserved or suspicious of strangers. This is coupled with the fact that, due to their small size, they are shy dogs or that present fear in unfamiliar situations.

Veterinary care

The Italian Greyhound is a relatively healthy breed, so they  do not usually suffer from hereditary diseases. Then, you only need the check-ups and health care recommended by your veterinarian, although the vaccination and deworming schedule should not be neglected.

Being small dogs, with fine and fragile bones,  we must be careful around them because they are usually attached to their owner, and we can step on them and do them a lot of damage. They are psychologically and physically delicate dogs.

As they are so thin and sensitive, they adapt poorly to low temperatures, so it is usually advisable to keep them warm on cold days. It is also advisable to provide them with a warm and comfortable place in which to spend winter days, and thus reduce the risk of contracting cold illnesses.

Finally, since it is a dog whose job was to chase small animals, games that consist of going for objects are not recommended, since they can cause stress. Instead, he will more than welcome all the affection of his human family.

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