Hypertension In Dogs Can Be A Warning Of Other Diseases

Hypertension in dogs can be an alarm for other diseases

There are features of our health that we do not give much importance to because they are something common that can happen to many people. This happens for example with hypertension. However, this abnormality in a dog can be a sign of a major disease such as diabetes, for example.

Let’s see its causes to identify if our dog has hypertension and how to deal with the problem.

Causes of hypertension in dogs

Unlike people, where hypertension is something common that can be caused by a poor diet and can be solved only by avoiding some foods and with simple medication, in dogs this is somewhat more complicated.

Hypertension in dogs is caused by another disease and not just by a poor diet or something unimportant.

Although according to the veterinarian Aitor Llamas, “there may be a dog that only has hyperthyroidism without more, without coming from another disease, but it is an exceptional case, nothing usual.”

The best known pathologies that can develop hypertension in our dog are cardiovascular, kidney and metabolic, such as diabetes.

How to detect hypertension in a dog

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Like any other pathology in our dog, if it has hypertension, its behavior change will undergo a series of modifications that will warn us that the dog is going through this process.

The first change that can occur is blindness or vision problems, something that you will easily recognize if your dog becomes disoriented or trips over everything. On the other hand, if you notice him fidgety and fidgety like he’s never been before, and even if he’s having seizures, it could be another sign of hypertension.

In any of the situations, do not wait for them to become serious, go to your veterinarian as soon as possible, as hypertension can trigger lung or cardiovascular problems that could trigger the death of your pet.

How to prevent or calm hypertension in dogs

Hypertension is impossible to prevent, because as we have always told you, it is a collateral damage from another anomaly. But what can be done is to calm its symptoms or make our dog lead a normal life.

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To do this, the first thing will be for the veterinarian to detect the primary disease that causes hypertension and treat it with the necessary medications. In turn, you should prescribe your dog medications for this specific problem. These will be vasodilator substances that will relieve the stiffness of the arteries, thus reducing hypertension.

This medication will protect the heart and kidneys, which can be affected by hypertension.

Even when our animal does not present symptoms of this disease, we must take it to periodic reviews to ensure that the dog’s tension is correct.

Like us, stress in dogs is taken by exerting pressure on their legs with a machine specifically created for it.

Although your dog goes to constant periodic check-ups, it is possible that these do not include the pressure measurement, so you should be the one who requests it from the vet.

Even when doing the measurement, it may not give the results, so we recommend that you suggest the doctor repeat it again, if he does not suggest it. This is because dogs get nervous when they take their blood pressure and this can cause it to rise, giving a false negative.

For this reason, veterinarians try to create the most comfortable environment possible, so that the results are the most approximate. Something that we can recommend is that you request a home veterinarian, as he will do the measurement at home, an environment known to the animal and in which he feels comfortable and calm.

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