The Problems Derived From The Waste Generated By The Pandemic

The pandemic has had social, economic and environmental repercussions. Unfortunately, animals are also suffering from its effects.
The problems derived from the waste generated by the pandemic

Unfortunately, the problems arising from the waste generated by the pandemic are beginning to be observed. The mass production of plastics has become a serious obstacle for environmentalists, as it is one of the many harmful situations that the COVID-19 virus has brought with it.

What are the most generated waste today? How does its presence influence the environment and the animals that inhabit it? We will answer these and other questions in the following lines.

Waste generated by the pandemic

Today the world is facing a pandemic, which seriously affects human beings. In addition, animals have also been harmed by it, since they are indirect victims of it.

This is because the waste generated by the pandemic is causing the death of different animal species. One of the most talked about cases has been the death of a penguin.

Recently, in Brazil the corpse of an apparently healthy penguin has been found. After performing the autopsy, it was determined that his death was caused by ingestion of an N95 mask.

The group in charge of carrying out the autopsy belongs to the NGO “Argonaut Institute for Coastal and Marine Conversation.” This institution is dedicated to combating the effects derived from marine debris.

Specifically, its members are in charge of rehabilitating all those marine species that have become ill from these residues. As they have commented, the current situation has led to the appearance of masks in the ocean.

Its presence in the sea is due to an incorrect disposal of the waste generated. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the death of a Magellanic penguin.

This species migrates every year from the Patagonia of Argentina in search of food. However, some specimens are lost and are rescued by this institution.

Once recovered, they are returned to the wild, while the deceased undergo an autopsy. From the institute they appeal to the population to help fight in this fight against waste.

The waste generated by the pandemic.

What are the effects of the waste generated by the pandemic?

Various effects derive from the incorrect use and disposal of products to alleviate the current pandemic. We show them below.

Increase in the generation of plastics

We know that plastic makes life a lot easier today. However, it is becoming a risk for human health and for the different ecosystems of the planet. Due to the pandemic, there has been a large increase in waste containing plastic. Among them are single-use plastics such as masks or gloves.

Also, according to experts, by 2030 the number of plastic waste worldwide will double. This, in turn, will lead to a series of short-term and long-term effects for both humans and the environment.

Despite the fact that the consumption of plastic has improved the quality of life, we must look for sustainable solutions that replace this material. Only in this way can we prevent animals from being negatively affected.

Increased ecological risk due to the use of disinfectants

It appears that the use of disinfectants has negative impacts on the local flora and fauna. An example has taken place on a beach in Andalusia, Spain, which was sprayed with disinfectant.

The aim of this act was to stop the rapid spread of the current virus. However, both biologists and conservationists warned of the negative consequences in the area.

Specifically, they mentioned the impact on seabirds, different species of crabs or the flora of the beach. Other places where it can have a negative impact are animal farms.

Previously, studies linked the use of disinfectants with an increased risk to the health of workers and animals. However, at present it is one of the few ways we can deal with the virus.

Animal death

In one way or another, these residues reach the different existing ecosystems. It is estimated that around 700 ocean species ingest the plastic microparticles. 

The death of animals occurs as a consequence of the incorrect disposal or inappropriate recycling of waste. For this reason, we must reduce the consumption of materials that are difficult to dispose of.

On the other hand, with these limitations we will also reduce the incorporation of microplastic into the food chain. This will prevent us from unconsciously ingesting this material through the consumption of fish and shellfish.

In this way we will avoid reading more news like the one mentioned at the beginning about the penguin, and of course, we can also positively influence nature, something that translates into a better future for everyone.

A turtle killed by plastics.

It is extremely important to understand the connection between human health and that of the environment that surrounds us. Therefore, it is necessary to get involved from now on the application of sustainable measures.

Only in this way can we avoid these and other problems derived from the waste generated by the pandemic. Now, protecting animals and ecosystems is the responsibility of each and every one of us.

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