5 Behaviors Of Dogs That Try To Attack

5 behaviors of dogs that try to attack

Having a dog for the first time can be likened to being new parents. You do not know what to do with it, you are afraid of hurting it when you take it, you cannot decide in the store when buying its food and of course, there will be many behaviors of your dog that you will not understand.

In My Animals we not only care about animals and their feelings, we also care about you and your feelings.  As we know that you may find yourself lost in the face of certain behaviors of your dog, we are going to explain some that seem to us to be of special relevance: when a dog prepares to attack.

No “dad” will like his puppy to be aggressive, not when he is young or when he grows up. Identifying behaviors of your dog that lead you to identify the problem and, most importantly, to nip it in the bud, will help you have a pleasant puppy now and in his adulthood.

Behaviors of your dog when he is ready to attack

Autor: Jon Hurd
Author: Jon Hurd

Let’s see now how you can tell if your dog is going to attack another.

  • Aggressively barking at another dog from afar. If you are in the street and your dog starts barking without knowing why, but when you look up you see another dog, do not hesitate: it is preparing to attack. We are talking about aggressive barking, not muttering or mooing that will mean that you want to play with your new friend.
  • Pull the strap. If, when he sees another dog, he pulls the leash in a non-normal way determined to jump on another dog, do not hesitate, he will attack him. Do not confuse this gesture with the fact that your dog is pulling on the leash moving his tail and crying, that will be because he wants to play and not attack.
  • Upright posture with fixed gaze. If when you see another dog, yours stands up and stares at him with his tail up and begins to growl, you are seeing one of your dog’s most notable behaviors that he is willing to attack.
  • Look askance at. If your dog is close to another, and it suddenly begins to discreetly move away while looking askance, it doesn’t have to be such a clear sign of attack, but it most likely is.
  • Run towards him. If your dog is loose and after some of these behaviors of your dog, he runs towards the other dog, he will attack.

How to prevent these behaviors from your dog

If your dog has any of these behaviors, you have a problem. Remember that your dog is your responsibility and an aggressive dog is punishable by law in many countries. Therefore, it is important that before you see one of these behaviors in your dog, you try to never have them ; and if you already have them, you better cut them in the bud. Here we give you some tips for it.

Teach him to socialize

From a very young age, dogs must get used to being with other people and with other dogs. That will make relationships a part of your life and completely normal, so when you see other dogs, all you want is to go say hello.

Teach him to obey your orders

If your dog learns to obey commands such as “stay”, “come here” or “no”, you will have much less problems when he is an adult, because his obedience will always be before his instinct. He will obey you rather than attack.

Take long walks

dog walk

Sometimes the desires of one dog to attack another stem from accumulated stress. Long walks will kill that stress and your dog will be more relaxed.

Take care of your diet

Each dog needs a different amount and intake of food from others. Be aware of how much food and how many times a day your dog needs to eat.

Never wear it loose

It does not matter if he obeys your orders or not, do not let your dog loose. It is something punishable by law and you may get into trouble. Release him to run alone in a lonely place and where there are no other dogs until you are sure you have not seen any of the above behaviors in your dog.

The fact that a dog wants to attack is sometimes due to some type of trauma or other psychological reason. If you fear that your dog may have gone through something like this, consult your vet.

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