Dog Training: Avoiding Leash Pulls In A Simple Way

Dog training: avoiding leash pulls the easy way

We have all seen the typical image of a person walking his dog, staying behind and his dog first pulling in such a way that it seems that he is going to throw his owner to the ground. That is why we will not see a child or elderly person taking their pet for a walk on the street, this is because the dog has not been educated correctly.

This situation causes the walk, an activity that can be beneficial, fun and joyful, to become a real pain for both of you. If you want to walk with your dog in a relaxed way and without jerks, we will explain it to you below.

Previous tips to avoid strap pulls

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Remember that to train a dog, you need time, patience, love and never give up. It is also very important to start his education from a puppy,  at 4 months, he can already be taught basic rules.

When we start the training, we must use simple language, with clear words and the orders must be carried out firmly, without hesitation. It is also very important that we help each other with body language.

It is essential that all members of the family participate in their education and training. They must agree to apply the same words for the commands given to the pet.

Walking on a leash correctly

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It’s time to start dog training to avoid leash pulls on walks. The first thing to do is choose a suitable collar for our pet. In the market there are many models, materials and sizes, it is very important that it adapts well to your neck and that it is comfortable for you.

We recommend that you put the leash first at home,  so that it gradually gets used to wearing it, especially if our pet is a puppy. You can leave it for him to sniff and let him know that it is for him and that it will be used for walks.

It is time to go out for a walk, we have put our dog on a leash at home and we will explain to him that we are going to the street and that he must behave well. Although it may seem absurd to you, it is good to talk to pets and make them understand what we are going to do.

On the street, place your dog next to you and choose one side of your body, for example the left, ask him to sit down, use a firm voice and the word you have chosen for this command, for example “sit”. If he has obeyed you, give him an award or just show him that he has done very well.

Start walking and make him understand that he must stay next to you and without pulling. If your dog gets ahead, you have to stop and gently pull on his leash, until he is back on your left side. Once we both have the initial position, it is time to resume walking. Do not forget that you must stop every time he pulls you or crosses your path.

When you get your dog to walk next to you, without pulling and without crossing your path, you should always reward him, while making him understand that he has behaved very well.

We have to tell you that you will not achieve this on the first day, each time you will improve and advance in training, for this remember that you should never throw in the towel. They will be progressive changes and when you get him to walk next to you without jerking, you can teach him other commands such as making turns.

Do not forget to always have a good attitude and that your dog associates the walk as something good. Avoid yelling at him and of course never hitting him, he would not understand anything, positive reinforcement is preferable using rewards when he does what we want.

If you can walk with your pet calmly, the walk will become the favorite moment of both. Remember that walking your dog not only benefits him, but you too.

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