7 Causes Of Behavior Problems In Dogs

7 causes of behavior problems in dogs

Behavioral problems in dogs have varied manifestations and reasons. They can be related, among other things, to fear, anxiety and stress. But what are the main causes that originate these inconveniences?

Notes on behavior problems in dogs

Dogs can present different behavioral disorders that, in addition to complicating their emotional health, often put them at risk because they escape, suffer accidental or self-inflicted injuries or fight with other furry dogs.

Also, in some cases, the so-called behavior problems in dogs are, in reality, normal behaviors of the species but that are annoying or unpleasant for their owner and that sometimes become excessive or compulsive, such as territorial marking, biting and destroying different objects or dig wells in the garden.

dogs scratch the ground

And we must not lose sight of the fact that some of these situations are actually caused by organic causes, that is, by a disease suffered by the furry.

Main causes of inappropriate behavior in dogs

Here are the main causes of behavior problems in dogs.

1- Bad socialization

A furry that was not properly socialized usually presents different behavior problems. Among other things, it can be a fearful dog, who feels intimidated in the presence of other animals, strangers or sudden noises (thunder, explosions, fireworks, etc.). And, a scared dog usually responds aggressively or else tries to run away from the situation and hide.

The problem of inadequate or directly non-existent socialization has been aggravated in recent times by the proliferation of illegal breeding sites where pets spend their first days of life in confined situations, without being able to explore their environment and, in addition, are separated from their mothers early.

2- Poor education and excessive humanization

Not putting limits on your furry or teaching him minimal rules of coexistence, clear and without contradictions, can generate confusion in the little animal about how to act.

Keep in mind that the first thing you have to do to be able to educate your pet correctly is to learn to interpret its body language.

In addition, when the dog is considered a person and not a dog, different behavioral and physical health problems usually arise (by using remedies and grooming products designed for humans, or by dressing it with fashionable clothes and accessories, etc.).

3- Physical and verbal abuse

Abuse takes many forms. If a dog is punished with blows, intimidated with screams and aggressive gestures, or kept locked up and chained, an animal with fear will be generated that can become aggressive or develop actions that can feed back into a situation of abuse. For instance:

  • Urinate or defecate in inappropriate places.
  • That destroys different objects in the house.
  • Let him dig wells in the garden and destroy plants.
  • That he develops stereotyped behaviors (compulsive licking of certain areas of his body, chasing shadows or hunting non-existent insects, etc.).

4- Don’t pay proper attention to it

A dog that spends a good part of the day alone and does not receive due attention from its owners, may begin to manifest various behavioral problems, either due to boredom, excess energy, to show that they are neglecting it or because it suffers from anxiety by separation.

When choosing to live with a pet, it should be made clear that walks, games and physical and mental exercise should be provided daily, in addition to a good dose of explicit affection.

5- unexpected situations

Hairy people also tend to stress when faced with situations that alter their daily lives. For instance:

  • Moving.
  • Deaths or births in the family.
  • Incorporation of a new pet into the house.
  • Presence of unknown people (bricklayers, painters, etc.).

6- Diseases

Many physical problems can make even the most peaceful dog suddenly aggressive. This is the case of animals that suffer, among other ailments:

  • Otitis
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Degenerative osteoarthritis

Also some behaviors that we consider strange may have their origin in epilepsy. And cystitis can be the cause that the animal begins to urinate anywhere.

On the other hand, the constant crossing in search of the business for the sale of purebred animals , many times causes different pathologies to manifest in some specimens.

sick dog

7- Aging

In addition, as often it happens to humans as they age, are losing patience hairy and can return s and more aggressive or growlers to various situations.

But also this progressive aggressiveness or the appearance of behaviors that we can qualify as “rare”, are usually due to the presence of cataracts or a cognitive deterioration similar to human Alzheimer’s.

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