6 Symptoms Of Pregnancy In Bitches

Pregnancy is a delicate stage for any species, as the female is carrying life inside. It is necessary to know when a bitch is gestating in order to grant her certain special care.
6 symptoms of pregnancy in bitches

Bringing life into this world is one of the most beautiful things a living being can do. At the biological level, animals are geared to leave their genetic imprint on future generations and, therefore, all their acts are aimed at reproduction. Dogs are no less, so pregnancy in dogs is common in the domestic environment.

If you have intentionally crossed your dog and discover that it is going to bring life to the world, we congratulate you, because soon you will be “grandfather”. If this is not the case and it is an unwanted event, you will want to be able to detect it in time to give specific care to your pet. Be that as it may, here we tell you the 6 symptoms of pregnancy in dogs.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in bitches?

After reproduction, the gestation period in fertilized bitches lasts from 57 to 65 days, with an average of 63. Once the encounter with the male has occurred, the guardian must ensure that the female does not reproduce again in the days later and, if possible, you should keep it in a quiet place for a few hours after fertilization.

From here, it is time to exhaustively monitor the dog, to verify that she has indeed become pregnant. In most cases this will be the case, but sometimes males can mating poorly or the female being sterile, among many other factors. Read on to know the 6 symptoms of pregnancy in dogs unequivocally.

1. Decrease in activity

During the first few weeks there are very few signs that indicate pregnancy in a bitch. One of the first, however, is the reduction of energy and desire to walk on the part of the female. In no case does this mean that you have to stop going out with her to the park or playing.

From the sixth week of pregnancy, the bitch should gradually increase the amount of food eaten. If exercises are not continued during this stage, the female is at risk of developing obesity. The walks can be more leisurely, slow and the games less energetically demanding, but the animal must exercise anyway.

A pregnant bitch.

2. Changes in the breasts

One of the most obvious symptoms of pregnancy in bitches is the enlargement of their breasts. The nipples grow and the areolas bulge slightly, compared to their usual flat shape. In addition, these structures are likely to appear darker, as blood flow is increasing, in preparation for breastfeeding.

3. Vomiting and dizziness during pregnancy in bitches

Female dogs can also suffer from the equivalent of morning sickness in pregnant women. This is relatively common in the first weeks after fertilization, but if you have any type of doubt or its clinical picture worsens, go quickly to the vet.

4. Bulging abdomen

If you know when your dog was fertilized, a veterinary professional will be able to notice the pregnancy by palpating her abdomen. It is essential to carry out this review 28-30 days after mating, as this is when the puppies are most clearly noticeable to the touch, since the fetuses are surrounded by sacks with fluids.

5. Hormonal test: a confirmation of pregnancy in bitches

This symptom of pregnancy in dogs cannot be detected at home, but it is one of the most reliable. After 25 days of gestation, it is always a good idea to take your dog to the vet for a blood test.

Relaxin is a peptide hormone that is produced in animals only during pregnancy, as its function is to widen the pubic bone and facilitate childbirth. If the female has this hormone in her blood, pregnancy is unequivocally confirmed.

6. Nesting behaviors

In the last weeks of gestation, the pregnant dog may break down some soft materials — blankets, mattresses, and sheets — in order to create a comfortable den in which to give birth. She can also become elusive and surly around this time, so it’s best to limit her contact with young children as much as possible.

A pregnant dog lying down.

These are some of the most common symptoms of pregnancy in dogs, but not the only ones. In any case, the best option in all cases of suspicion is to carry out ultrasound or X-ray tests on the animal in a veterinary center, because only then can you confirm the pregnancy of the female and act accordingly.

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