The Dog Represents All The Best Of A Person

The dog represents all the best of a person

They say that dogs resemble their owners. Every time we hear it we think in the physical realm, but the truth is that dogs have the ability to imitate both good and bad qualities, especially of their masters, who are the people with whom they spend the most time.

Just as they can imitate qualities, unconsciously they also teach us qualities that we did not know or were not demonstrating at the highest level. If you take good care of your pet, it is showing a high sense of responsibility and commitment, able to fight for what it wants, and to love and value what it has.

Now, what qualities do dogs have that can bring out the best in us?


In several of our articles we have talked about the faithfulness that dogs show and about real experiences of dogs that gave their lives for their masters. But the fidelity of dogs to their masters has more hidden things that can make us better people.

help the animals

For example, think about when your dog, perhaps even a puppy, has bitten your shoes, or has littered all over the house. You come home from work and when you see the new decoration you get mad, and with good reason! You understand that it is a baby, but that you must educate it very early if you want it to be a good dog when it grows up.

So you scold him and maybe give him a little spank on his bottom. The little animal looks at you sadly, puts its tail between its legs and hides in its favorite place. You feel so sorry for him that you can’t help but call him to pamper him and ask for his forgiveness. How does he act on your call? Does he look at you askance and is not showing you resentment? Surely not!

If we stop to think about it carefully, how do we act when a friend of ours does something to us and then calls us to ask for forgiveness? Are we spiteful and arrogant closing any door to reconciliation and thereby breaking the fidelity that we owe to our friend? Without a doubt, thinking about the example that our dog gives us in this regard will help us to be better people.

“The person who holds a grudge in his heart is like the one who takes poison, waiting for the other person to die.”



dog sofa

Your dog is always attentive, alert to your feelings. He is happy when you laugh, he turns off when he sees you sad, he hides when you get angry leaving you your space, he does not separate from you if he sees you sick and he does not stop trying to make you smile when he sees you cry. He always seems to understand what’s wrong with you and does something to make you feel better. This is a quality that in the world is conspicuous by its absence: empathy.

A person who suffered a great tragedy, defined very well what empathy was when he was shown to unsuspected limits. He defined it like this: “Empathy is the ability to feel your pain in my heart. If we think about it and how our dog shows it to us on a daily basis, we will feel compelled to do the same at any opportunity we have.

These are just two of the good qualities that a dog can foster in us, but there are so many more. We are sure that if you observe your dog and meditate carefully on his behavior, you will find them easily. However, you can teach your dog to develop good qualities by uprooting in him attitudes that are not civilized.

Teach your dog to …

  • Share. It will not be pleasant to watch your dog fight other dogs over a bone or a toy.
  • To be nice. A dog that greets everyone kindly and lets himself be greeted by it is always nice.
  • Be obedient. This will be nice for you, but it will encourage your dog’s good relationships with other people.

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