Immunizing Uses Of Colloidal Silver For Dogs?

Colloidal silver is a silver compound that has been used in medicine in previous decades
Colloidal silver immunizing uses for dogs?

Elements such as silver and gold have been used since ancient times not only for their economic value, but also for their potential healing properties. The use of silver has spread in its many forms, and colloidal silver is one of them. With the advancement of science, many of these therapies have fallen into disuse for their long-term effects.

What is colloidal silver?

As its name indicates, colloidal silver consists of a colloid, that is, a solution, in this case of small silver particles that are dispersed in a solvent that is usually distilled water.

Colloidal silver is manufactured by an electrolysis process, so that the silver particles are charged and repel each other, which causes them to remain suspended in the solution.

Properties of colloidal silver

In addition to the physico-chemical properties that we have already discussed, colloidal silver has a series of effects when it reacts with living organisms:

  • Bactericidal. Since the middle of the last century it has been used as an antiseptic in medicine, although its use was relegated by modern antibiotics.
  • Bacteriostatic. It prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Antiviral. Silver nanoparticles can inactivate certain viruses such as the distemper virus in dogs or hepatitis B.
  • Antifungal. Silver compounds have inhibitory effects on the growth of fungi and yeasts.
  • Neutralization of toxins. Silver is an element that binds to toxins and manages to excrete them.

Canine distemper diagnosis:

Uses throughout history

Today, the use of colloidal silver is in controversy because, although there are documented cases of its use to treat diseases, the side effects are serious enough to pose it as an effective and safe therapy. Even so, there are many pseudo-therapies that support its effectiveness.

To treat infections

Due to its antibacterial properties, it has been treated with colloidal silver to cure infections caused by bacteria, such as skin infections.

As a treatment for viral diseases

Decades ago, colloidal silver was used to treat diseases such as distemper or hepatitis B in dogs, as well as in other animals such as monkeys or cattle because, indeed, thanks to its action against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, it has been achieved, in some cases, good results.

For this reason, this compound became so popular. However, we currently know that there are toxic side effects, so medicine does not consider it a completely safe and effective treatment, and it is considered alternative medicine.

Veterinarian vaccinates a dog

The best thing to avoid cases of serious diseases in dogs is to prevent with the puppy vaccination. It is very important to complete all immunizations and your reminders on time.

And, if unfortunately our dog contracts a serious disease such as distemper, parvovirus or hepatitis, we must go to the vet when we see the first symptoms.

Veterinarians are the ones who can offer us the safest and most effective solutions against our pets’ illnesses. And if we are not satisfied, we can always ask for a second opinion before using alternative therapies on our own.

Toxic effects of colloidal silver

  • Argyria. The accumulation of silver can cause discoloration of the skin and other organs; it can give them a grayish appearance.
  • Accumulation of metals. Although the rate of excretion is high in dogs through urine and bile, some is retained in the liver and in other parts of the body.
  • They found alterations on the digestive system, reproductive, cardiovascular and neurohormonal in clinical experiments using colloids and nanoparticles of silver in rodents, birds and dogs.

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