The Best Food For Dogs With Sensitive Skin

The best food for dogs with sensitive skin

As with humans, dogs can have delicate skin. When a canine has a certain intolerance to an agent, external or internal, it must be discovered what is the probable cause that triggered it. Especially if you have sensitive skin.

The most common factor responsible for the presence of these types of situations is usually allergy. When an animal does not tolerate or has some kind of discomfort when consuming a food , the symptoms are immediately noticed.

 Symptoms of a food allergy

  • Rash of the dermis.
  • Itch.
  • Dry or flaky skin
  • Excessive hair loss, until there are holes without fur.
  • Loss of shine in the hair.

Usually these allergies are caused by the food eaten by the animal. It is very important to find which substance is responsible for these symptoms. The vet will help us locate this substance; First, it will ask us for a list of the food consumed by the dog in the days prior to the consultation.

Prevention and treatment

Through a healthier diet, symptoms may disappear. Among other things, we will achieve a better functioning of the body and, therefore, a better quality of life. The highest quality foods are usually the healthiest.

Suitable foods for dogs with sensitive skin and allergies

  • Fatty acids. The food must contain omega 6 and 3, that is, it must contain oils extracted from fish.
  • The simpler your content, the better. It is recommended to choose a food that contains only one protein source and one carbohydrate source.
  • The vitamins responsible for maintaining nutrients, both in the skin and in the coat.
  • The presentation of the food does not matter, as long as the aforementioned specifications are taken into account, that is, that it contains the nutrients established to be considered a healthy food.

Veterinary diet

A veterinarian should be seen if the symptoms are very severe and persist for a considerable period of time, as they may be indications of a more serious illness.

In general, in case of allergy, the specialist prepares a strict diet for the canine, eliminating those foods with low possibilities of causing problems. The diet usually lasts about 8 months to obtain the expected results, and it may take up to 10 weeks to begin to notice the disappearance of the symptoms.

Once the diet is established, we must be careful in what we allow our dog to eat, since the food must begin to be incorporated into its diet little by little. The specialist can help us with a control of the administered formulas and their development is usually effective.

The effect of parasites

It must also be checked that it does not present parasites, fleas and ticks, since these may be the cause of the symptoms and not sensitive skin due to poor diet or allergy. The skin must be kept clean, in perfect neatness, in order to better control the area and know that no agent that is in contact with it can contaminate it.

Different races

Some breeds tend to develop skin sensitivity more easily than others. Wrinkled-skinned dogs, such as shar-peis, often suffer from these types of diseases. Also dogs with thin skin or short fur, since their skin is more exposed.

It must be considered that the appearance of any of the aforementioned pathologies does not have to be an indication of a disease or an allergy, but rather a lack of one or another nutrient, and this can be easily solved with a change of diet for a more healthy and balanced.

Ingredients such as dairy, cereals and corn are ideal, because they usually do NOT have a positive reaction on the skin of our pets’ bodies.

Other important precautions in dogs with sensitive skin

For our pets with a special skin sensitivity, some other precautions must be taken into account.

  • We will avoid taking them to the beach. The summer sun can be very aggressive on your skin.
  • Increase your exercise routines. Exercise always helps, and in this case too.
  • You have to feed the canine with good quality products, and if possible recommended for its skin type.

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