Regulations For Dogs In Public Establishments

There are more and more authorizations for dogs to access public places; the regulations in Spain are joining the international trend to facilitate the entry of pets with their owners in different social spaces
Regulations for dogs in public establishments

Fortunately, more and more public establishments decide to adopt pet or dog friendly policies. And this means that we can now enjoy the company of our dogs in public establishments such as bars, restaurants, shops, stores, etc.

Likewise, it is important to know the current regulations on the permanence of dogs in public establishments. In this way, we can understand not only our rights as owners, but also the limits and conditions that we need to respect in these common spaces.

Dogs in public establishments: is there a national regulation on this matter?

Unfortunately, in Spain there is still no regulation or a framework law at the national level that talks about the permanence of dogs in public establishments.

Each autonomous community has its own current ordinances; These regulations determine the health and hygiene conditions that must be respected in all businesses and establishments that provide services to the public.

On the other hand, the obligations and responsibilities of the guardians of the dogs are also foreseen. The abandonment of canine feces on public roads, for example, is considered a crime in the vast majority of the autonomous communities, and carries fines from 200 to 3000 euros to the owners.

In addition, generally said ordinances promote the creation of public spaces specifically intended for the permanence of pets and their guardians. For example, places specially equipped for recreation and training with pets; This is especially the case with dogs.

Dog in a bar

Regional regulations and limitations on the entry of dogs in public establishments

When we talk about public establishments that are not linked to the State, such as bars, restaurants or hotels, the issue becomes more complex and needs greater regulation.

Although regional regulations can encourage the creation of pet friendly spaces , they still allow owners to establish conditions that make it difficult or limit the permanence of dogs in their shops.

Therefore, in practice the permanence of dogs in these establishments ends up depending, many times, on a particular decision of the owner or person responsible for each property. However, it must be remembered that some autonomous communities already have ordinances that try to encourage the permanence of dogs in public and private establishments.

The objective seems to be to offer more legal instruments to guardians, to defend their possibility of frequenting certain establishments with their dogs.

At the same time, it is a matter of defining the specific circumstances in which the owners or holders can resort to regional regulations to limit or prevent the entry of animals into their businesses.

The example of the Andalusian Animal Protection Law

As an example, we cite article 14 of the Andalusian animal protection law, which expressly determines that:

In this text, we observe that in the detailed establishments the residence of dogs should be allowed. Thus, their owners or owners would need to request an administrative authorization, for which they would have to present their arguments according to current regulations, in case they want to limit the access of guardians with their pets.

Throughout the process, and if authorization is obtained, establishments must display a distinctive seal at the entrance of their establishment.

However, the same regulations define that the entry of animals is prohibited in establishments for the manufacture, sale, storage or transport of food. It also provides for the prohibition or limitation of access with pets to sports facilities, public shows and other similar public establishments.

Stay of guide dogs or guide dogs in public establishments

A special case within the regional regulations is the permanence of guide dogs in public establishments. The entry and stay of this type of assistance animals cannot be prevented ; This authorization will operate even in the case of businesses for the preparation or sale of food, or at public events and sports celebrations.

The Labrador is one of the leading dog breeds

Before concluding, it is worth mentioning that more and more owners decide to promote the permanence of dogs in their establishments; For this, the possibilities of improving their income are considered and also joining the pet friendly trend that has been gaining more and more strength and voice in the international community.

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