Friendliest Cat Breeds: What Are They?

The greater the attachment of cats to their owners, the less predisposition they will have to go outside
Friendliest cat breeds: what are they?

There is a belief that felines are independent animals with difficulties to socialize. However, this presumption is unjustified if the character of some of the friendliest cat breeds is analyzed, whose demand for attention may exceed that of dogs.

Many people have some qualms about cats given their reputation for being unfriendly and elusive. These prejudices, combined with their particular way of playing, using their nails and teeth, increase the predilection for other more ‘reliable’ pets.

However, the fact that a good part of cats is characterized by a more distant behavior does not mean that there are no breeds that stand out for their great affability. In fact, such is their empathy with humans, that many of them are especially recommended for children, adults or even as therapy animals.

Friendliest cat breeds

If there is a breed that stands out for its affection, loyalty and proximity to people, it is the ragdoll. Known as ‘rag doll cat’, it is a calm, home animal whose greatest desire will be to be caressed and hugged.

Although they show a greater predilection for their owners, whom they follow everywhere, they show complete trust with any stranger. In addition, they are the perfect option for families with children or with other pets.

Unlike other cats, ragdolls have a half-life of 13 years, which is strongly linked to their large size of up to nine kilograms. However, its mellow and serenity will make these dimensions unimpressive to those who visit the home.

Ragdoll cat couple

The Persian cat, meanwhile, is one of the best known and most popular. However, although they are calm cats with a predisposition to lie on the lap of their owners, they do not reach the attachment of ragdoll.

The Persians, even being affectionate, need their doses of play, climbing and browsing every corner. Regarding their degree of freedom or independence, they do not demand going abroad, since they feel satisfied with the proximity of their owner.

The maine coon, whose name refers to its large size of up to eight kilograms, is one of the most friendly and sociable cat breeds.

It stands out for demanding a lot of attention, manifested through numerous meows until its needs for affection are met. They are characterized by their intelligence and their good predisposition to interact with children and other animals.

Affectionate and independent cats

In addition to the previous races, there are others that, despite the closeness and attachment to the human being, maintain their feline essence of browsing and roaming freely. These characteristics do not have to be seen as a defect, as they may even be more suitable for people who cannot spend as much time with their pet.

The Siamese cat is known to be ‘the cat of the peoples’. Although his gaze may seem enigmatic or even cold, he loves to spend long periods with his owner.

However, this tenderness is combined with a marked independence, so that the pampering must be according to your will. Its meows and purrs stand out and, in general, it is quite territorial; hates home changes.

Cat lying watching

The Abyssinian is considered one of the oldest cat breeds. They love company and are very smart and sociable.

However, unlike previous cats, they do not demand to be held or stroked as assiduously. Their energy fluctuates between play and active careers and languor, which is why they are usually ideal animals to liven up the home.

When choosing between the friendliest cat breeds, be aware of the actual time that will be spent on the animal. Many of these animals, given their care needs, tend to feel lonely in the face of long hours of work or little interaction at home. Therefore, it is essential that the profile of cats and owners is as consistent as possible for the common welfare.

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