Handmade Cat Beds

Handmade cat beds

Although cats can accommodate themselves to sleep anywhere, especially in the most uncomfortable poses possible, it never hurts to provide them with adequate space so that they can do so with peace of mind. However, you don’t have to spend a fortune on accessories for your pet, so we show you some handmade cat beds.

On the internet you can find hundreds of proposals to buy for your pet. However, if you want to save this money or trust more in the things made by you, you can also do it. The important thing is that your cat has a space to rest and that he can determine as his. Look at these wonderful proposals:

Cardboard bed

cat bed

This is a bed that you can make with a very low budget, yes, the result will clearly depend on your efforts at the time of approaching the project.

Take a good-sized cardboard box that is large enough to accommodate your cat standing inside. Draw a large arc, taking your cat as the measurement. You can also make some grids (so that the bed / house is more illuminated). Of course, be careful, because later you will have to cut. The design will be at your expense.

Once you have the arch and grids drawn, cut everything out with a scalpel. Be careful not to damage the box or, worse, hurt yourself. When you have the cutouts ready, proceed to put inside a garment of yours that you no longer use. Make sure it is made of a soft material, but that it does not fray so that it does not get tangled in the nails of your feline friend.

Finally, seal the ends of the box well.  Decorate to your liking and invite your cat to enter, using food or toys. You will see that, sooner rather than later, your cat will be exploring it.

Pneumatic bed

Have you recently changed the tires on your bike and don’t know what to do with them? How about a bed for your cat?

The first thing you should do is  wash the tire you are going to use very well, preferably by immersing it in hot water. Once you have done this, momentarily put the tire away.

Take a thin board and sand it down. Splinters can hurt your cat, so be careful and dedicated doing this. Measure the circumference of the tire on the board and cut it out. Once you have a round board, proceed to glue it to the rim. You can use industrial-type glue, although we recommend making a few holes, helping yourself with the tip of a knife, both in the tire and in the board and, with the help of a thick-eye needle, pass a thread of wool or rope to unite both.

Next, get stuffed toy or foam stuffing material and cover the entire inside of the tire to create the padding. If you want, you can pad the entire surface of the bed, although this is not essential.

Remember that you must fix the filling to the wood with a little silicone or some other glue. This will prevent it from deforming and will last longer. Lastly, cover everything with a generous amount of fabric and sew the ends together.

Old clothes bed

cat bed

Cats like things that are impregnated with your smell, but do not feel flattered: it is one more way they have to exercise dominance by appropriating the things that belong to you.

A good suggestion to make a bed for them would be to make a roll of several old clothes of yours and arrange them in such a way that they look like a pillow. Then sew it so that it does not fall apart and invite your cat to climb on this cushion. You will surely love it.


  • Do not use toxic or dangerous materials for the elaboration.
  • Avoid the use of implements that can decompose and produce bacteria.
  • Do not use items that fray and can get tangled in the nails.
  • If you notice that your cat likes to chew on certain types of materials, avoid them as well.

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