What Does The Breed Of The Dog Say About Your Personality?

What does the dog breed say about your personality?

If you want to know what the breed of the dog says about your personality, we invite you to share different investigations carried out in this regard. So if we point out “tell me what dog you have and I’ll tell you how you are” -version to an old saying- surely we will be nailing the way of being of many people in relation to the pet they choose to share part of their life.

Find out what the dog breed says about your personality


A study recently presented at a meeting of the British Psychological Society highlights that it is possible to know a person’s personality from the breed of dog he owns.

According to this research, humans choose pets that are similar to us. In addition, it was discovered that we tend to link different breeds of dogs with certain types of people.

The results showed correlations between types of dogs and the personality of the owners. For instance:

  • Outgoing people preferred sheepdogs, such as the Collie or the German Shepherd .
  • People with a pleasant character opt for breed animals such as the Labrador and the Golden Retriever, or for small dogs, such as the Chihuahua or the Poodle .
  • The so-called toy breeds are chosen by imaginative and open beings.
  • Humans who have greater emotional stability, meanwhile, tend to opt for Beagles or Afghans.

If you ask about the dog, you will meet the man

Psychologist Richard Wiseman explains that the personality that owners attribute to their dogs is a reflection of their own personality.

In other words: what a master says about his pet is, as time goes by, a faithful description of what he really is like.

If you want to know what someone is like, Wiseman notes , the best thing you can do is ask them to describe their dog’s character.

Dogs and ideology

For his part, the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt came to the conclusion that each political ideology is identified with different breeds of dog. For instance:

  • Liberals want polite dogs
  • Conservatives choose obedient and loyal animals

In short, people seem to want pets that fit their moral matrices, Haidt concludes.

Dogs and violent personalities

Research from the University of Leicester School of Psychology indicates that the most unfriendly people tend to choose dogs considered potentially violent such as  Pit Bull , Rottweiler or American Staffordshire .

It should be clarified that the professionals did not find a relationship between criminal behavior and a preference for this type of animal.

And it is also fair to point out that these breeds of dogs tend to promote aggressive behaviors according to the training they receive from their owners.

american pit bull terrier

Dogs and droppings

Psychology professor  Deborah L. Wells sought to draw a demographic profile of individuals who do not collect their dog’s feces, regardless of the breed of the dog. The study, which was published in the journal Enviroment & Behavior, concluded, among other topics, that:

  • 53.5% of the owners collect the excrement. 
  • Men (35.3%), people with a low income level (18.2%) and those who walk dogs without a leash (26.2%) are the least inclined to this task.
  • Women (58.2%), people with a high income level (68.7%) and those who walk their dogs on a leash (72.6%) are the most likely to take care of their pets’ poop.

To each his dog

It seems to be true that widely heard saying that dogs end up looking like their owners, or vice versa.

Missing research on how to be people who prefer to adopt a pet no matter if you are simply pedigree or mestizos or stray dogs.

Surely the conclusion would point out that, among other characteristics, they are beings capable of loving and caring for others without caring too much about their blood or birth prerogatives.

Nor do we forget those who only choose a dog because the breed became fashionable or because they believe that its possession demonstrates a certain social status measured by who knows who. Whether or not they want their pet is another matter.

And you, have you found out what the breed of the dog says about your personality ?


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