The London Underground Removes Advertisements And Puts Pictures Of Cats

The London Underground removes advertisements and puts photos of cats

The London Underground is one of the most famous in the world. And it is that in this cosmopolitan city you can go by metro to any place in the central area or the periphery of the capital of England. Its stations are full of advertisements for different products that sometimes enraptured passengers.

Two animal protectors decided to change this by replacing the ads with photos of cats. In order to do this, money had to be raised to pay advertisers. We tell you how they did it!

A very special campaign on the London Underground

Advertising a business or product in well-known places such as the London Underground costs a lot of money. Therefore, to carry out this initiative devised by Glimpse, they understood that they had to raise the necessary funds. Only then would they be able to pay the advertisers who had their advertisements at Clapham station.

They ran a crowdfunding campaign and soon they had raised 28,000 pounds. That was how much it cost to fill the cat photo station for two weeks.

Although it is curious, they are just that, photos of cats. They do not advertise the protectors or animal food, or stores or veterinarians, they are only cats. With what objective?

According to Glimpse, the daily stress of having to rush to work and from one place to another, spending so many hours in the office, family and home, is enough emotional pressure for people. If we add to this walking through streets full of advertisements that encourage you to buy and add more pressure to your life, things get worse.

Therefore, it was necessary to do something relaxing, even for a short time. They wanted something that would remind everyone who passed through this station how beautiful it is to live life with ease.

Looking for happiness through cats

The founder of Glimpse says his goal is to fill advertising spaces with things that make people happy. He considers it better than with things that add pressure to him. Think that this initiative makes people, instead of thinking that they want to buy something they are seeing, meditate on the beauty of life and nature.

It seems simple, but if you can get this to go ahead, it is claimed that the number of depression and suicide caused by stress each year could be reduced.

Meanwhile, people have welcomed it very openly. They are hanging hundreds of photos every day of their cats dreaming of seeing them one day in this or another season.

Who knows? Maybe they will come together to collect signatures and more money that will allow the photos of the kittens to stay forever …

The power of animals in people’s minds


Although it may seem crazy to many, this idea of ​​raising spirits through animals is scientifically proven. Not only do they have the power to make us meditate on the beauty of life, but they also directly influence us.

It doesn’t matter if they are children, adults or the elderly, animals can help people in these ways:

  • They make you feel useful. An animal is totally dependent on us and this makes us feel important, so our self-esteem is reinforced.
  • They make you feel loved. It does not matter if you have scolded him for a few minutes, he will always seek your love and attention and will make you feel loved every minute.
  • Reduce stress. It is scientifically proven that animals are good at reducing stress. They bring calm and tranquility to the person or people close to them.
  • Helps babies to become immune. Yes, a pet rather than transmitting diseases does the opposite. Due to what it can bring from the street, it strengthens the immune system of babies and adults, running less risk of disease.

We hope that this initiative in the London Underground will be a precedent for doing it in many other places around the world.

Source of the images:

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